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Police Stop And Search Students in Castries


Despite a thorough search, police made no arrests and found no prohibited items when they stopped and searched several students in Castries on Tuesday from about 3:15 pm.

The student’s behavior apparently attracted the attention of law enforcement officers, who have confiscated knives and cutlasses from others in the past few days.

The officers have been stepping up their presence in the capital following a spate of after-school violence involving students.

In one of the more recent incidents of student violence, two teenagers were rushed to the OKEU Hospital late last month after separate chopping incidents in Castries.

At about 3:45 pm, a thirteen-year-old student came under attack by a group of young males wielding knives and machetes on Manoel Street.
Minutes later, a nineteen-year-old Sir Arthur Lewis Community College (SALCC) student also came under attack by a group of young males with knives and machetes.

Violence has also broken out on school premises.

Officials believe there is a link between the student attacks and the Sixx and Seven gang culture imported from Trinidad and Tobago.

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  1. As John Daniel says on Street vibes, there’s no, more Vieu Fort football club or team,….who’s got big enough balls to start coaching again….?,,,,and have the public sponser uniforms, cleats,balls,nets, goalie gear, shin guards ect…. Bring it Govt!!!…Also……. The road to sandals cap and after it,is horrendous please address it’s nearly impassable!!!. I Thank You.

  2. It could be my own son , keep searching those cockroaches who already has a criminal mind from the age of 7 . I support the work of the law men …

  3. Children under 18 whose names cannot be exposed for crimes committed, government should pass a law to reveal the parents names and place of residence.
    This will have parents to take more responsibility for their children.

  4. @Emily really? this isnt d focking USA. we try to get stuff done around here. kids have been found with knives. illegal search?


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