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Body Found In Vehicle At Vigie

Police responding Tuesday morning to a report of a foul odour emanating from a vehicle parked near the George F.L Charles airport fence at Vigie, found the lifeless body of a male inside and suspect foul play.

The vehicle’s registration number is PK 155.

Officers have appealed to anyone with information to come forward to assist with the investigation.

Shervon Matthieu, acting assistant superintendent in charge of the Criminal Investigations Department in Castries, told reporters that eyewitnesses reported seeing the vehicle parked near the airport fence since Saturday.

“We are asking anybody who knows this vehicle or the registration number to alert the police,” he said.



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  1. All the police has to do is run the license plate number in the system to see who it is registered too. I observed this vehicle while walking but didn’t think there was any body in it. Also the authorities need to enforce the laws of the degree of the tint on vehicles

  2. Any vehicle parked by the airport fence for more than a few hours should have aroused the suspicion of the Ports Police. Did someone drop the ball?

  3. So a vehicle was parked near the airport fence for several days and security did not go and investigate to make sure this wasn’t a security breach. Aren’t security at airports supposed to protect the perimeters of the airport to make sure that there aren’t any suspicious activity?? I am so confused why it took so long for someone to even look into this. RIP.

  4. That vehicle had been there since Saturday. The police traffic department is on that very same stretch of road. What a shame. I’m sure over hundreds of policemen traversed that highway from Sarurday to today Tuesday. Didn’t it look odd to them. I wonder what sort of training St. Lucian police gets. Wow!!

  5. Why is there a licensing department.
    First place is to check them.
    Should we do what is obviously the police investigation.

  6. So if the person had a heart attack or a stroke . The person do not have family to say that their love one is missing I get the impression that people are very self centered, families are divided sad reality in st lucia

  7. At face value, it would appear that the person had pulled over and stopped probably because he/she might have felt ill, and subsequently died. On the other hand, why do the authorities suspect foul play? Have they noted something that we don’t know about as they examined the scene in the car? More than likely they encounterwd evidence of foul play inside the car. Another question I have is this: How come that car has been presumably parked at that spot since Saturday and the “patrol authorities” did not check it out? Come on, people in authority –you have a responsibility to be more vigilant!!! But the bigger point I really want to male is this: Saint Lucia, just like the rest of the world, is reeling under the tragic weight of sin and death! Unless we repent and turn our lives to God –in spirit and in truth –we will all likewise perish! While there us stull time, each of us has a personal responsibility to “come clean” before God, repent of our sins and wickedness, and turn to live a life of uprightness and truth before God! Jesus Christ came into the world for such a purpose! Seize the day, my people, because for any one of us this could be our final warning! This is the truth from the Word of God!

  8. Well now with the number of homicides taking place and if this is another one we have someone to blame. The Minister of crime prevention. Mr Minister we await your press conferences to update us on the recent homicides and what could have been done to prevent them and also what done to prevent future crime. I am so sorry the PM put you in this predicament.

  9. Well natural cause of death is out the window. Another sould lost to gin violence. Condolences to the family.

  10. Everytime there is a spate of murders we think that there will be a lull for at least a period.
    But not in St Lucia under the SLP and Pierre and Hillaire.
    In fact the murders are now taking unusual ways of expression.
    Two dead per episode. Murdered then dumped in a car left near an airport. What next? Murdered then left on someone’s verandah? Dumped in front of a cruise ship?
    Criminality has taken its cue from the top where individuals with known nefarious pasts are paraded in the guise of public officials.
    This is leading to a very, very bad place and do not be surprised if our whole economy is affected as a result.

  11. This is St Lucia where we are happy, where no one cares anymore. From Saturday? Thousands may have commuted this area in the past 4 days. Then I ask like those before on this thread. Isn’t this a security breech? How could a vehicle be parked by the airport fence for that length of time and it wasn’t the authorities who discovered the dead body. Did it have to take John Doe to take a fowl smell to alert them? Isn’t that their duty to investigate this vehicle as early as Saturday evening or at least by Sunday morning. What if the vehicle had explosives? FAA would have shut down that airport. I’m just hearing of another shooting in Vieux Fort on the promenade in broad daylight next to busstands, schools and an education district office. What is really happening to our deliver country?

    Hello, was it the Eclipse warning a sign to us? so many truths spelled out to us today. ‘no one to say love one or family did not come home last night’. The real Truth have been silent for too long, gracefully a little time is afforded to us to hear what ‘the Servants of the lord are unleashed to tell all, some untethered to say their limit, but that which has begone cannot stop; let no one be disobedient to our Lord for the time is almost midway to the great ‘Tribulation period’ when many rich, wealthy or poor will tremble for fear, faint or even die for what is coming upon this earth.
    Well said ANON, well said; well known ones with nefarious pasts are paraded high in the ranks, not fearful of a most certain crash to our economy; the laugh will be on you.


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