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Male Shot By Police In Vieux Fort

A male individual was in hospital after police shot him in Vieux Fort at about 11:00 am on Tuesday.

Reports indicate that the shooting occurred after officers responded to a report of armed men in Bruceville.

The officers recovered a firearm with an extended magazine and ammunition.

The police shooting occurred as Saint Lucia witnesses a surge in deadly gun violence.

The Island has so far this year recorded twenty-eight homicides, mostly gun-related.

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  1. Jah know star you supporting the police killings iymc a relative or friend of yours not yet die so u eh go understand 🤦🏾‍♂️

  2. This is the norm in Vieux Fort these days. Armed young men with mask patrolling the streets. I know Lucian Highgrade will claim that is not true but where he is hidden in Cedar Heights he would not be aware. Check the surveillance footage of some of the businesses on Commercial Street and you will see for yourself. People are literally frightened to venture into the town. Great job officers for at least getting rid of one more deadly weapon from the streets.

  3. I remembered a few months in Vieux fort , whereby a man with a workshop open his doors for young men from vieux fort to come in and learn a trade. What did these guys do, they came in for a day or two, never return stating its to much hard work. It’s so sad but that’s the life they want to live , a life of crime, destroying each other life’s. Look all that’s in place for the youth, these guys choose a life of crime and most of the time their parents encourage them in their filth instead giving the police their kids crime life

  4. The police need to go after the thugs, cockroaches and criminal , who refuse to go and work for 3 EC dollars an hour like the rest of us

  5. The Head of the police Force know all What is Required to deal with the Increase of Criminal Activity Island wide

  6. All the Yellow Jackasses who can’t tell the last time they drove beyond the rainforest but are obsessed with the day to day living of V-Fortians and it Rep need to stay focus on the carnage in their neck of the woods Gros Islet Marshland La Clary the homes of the biggest gangs in St Lucia. The police cross the road into Bruceville and did their job nobody is in objection to that but to get up off your ass on a daily basis to insinuate, manipulate, cross reference, in the defense of yellow politricks as the antidote for the ills of V-Fortians is just lame and pathetic.

  7. My name is Bolo Byron,I have said it several times and I am not afraid to say it again. The public should not trust the police in VF, why are they not arresting Banan and Larry? Are they on their pay roll? A young policeman reveals lots of things on Monday by the homicide near the post office.

  8. Boy bolo Byron do put banan in your thing banan is all about making his money an not about the life of crime he is a humble yute


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