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Vieux Fort Police Probe Fatal Shooting

Police in Vieux Fort have commenced a homicide investigation after a man sustained apparent gunshot wounds.

Residents identified the deceased as 39-year-old Antonio Theodore of Bruceville Vieux Fort.

Emergency personnel from the Vieux Fort Fire Station received a call for assistance at about 6:30 on Tuesday.

But it appeared that the body had been on the scene at Bruceville overnight.

Saint Lucia has so far recorded 30 homicides for 2024, primarily the result of gun violence.

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  1. There is so much poverty in Bruce Ville look at galvanize that the poor black people use as their fence , not even toilets that they have there modern day slavery that exist in st lucia , St lu, Baron, windward and leeward, southwell, liquor store, Massy, M&C home depot, food mart , Hanco, coconut bay.They want the youtes to work for for them for 3 EC dollars an hour

  2. Putting into context the daily life of survival, so called sweet St. Lucia is a horrible place to live on, consider having a family. We have a horrible, horrible society to deal with on a daily basis. What is the purpose living here?


  4. What causes poverty (miseries),is because of the lies of the politican, leaders and officials that their mouth that wags and brags which never keep their promise (both parties),and let their action be made words, will easily be caught in a trap..
    The employers are taking avantages on the Slaves, because there is no one to represent them and their rights have been sold for pockets change and white rum..

    Courage ! Courage ! My people !!
    The LORD is our lawyer, for the LORD is a God of ⚖️ justice,and one day will bring jugement !!
    Your deliverer will soon come,
    Blessed are all who waits on him !

  5. This is just plain evil and wickedness! It has little to do with poverty! The peiplw need to repent!

  6. This is just plain evil and wickedness! It has little to do with poverty! The people need to repent!

  7. @ PAT BANON the SLT should not be allowed to post your idiotic comments.

    Do yo really believed the average salary is the reason why these thugs are out there killing each other????

    BTW if you think 3 EC dollar per hour is bad you should travel to some places in the world or watch some documentaries in some countries like Latin America or in Asia.

  8. All these Homicides are Connected to each other in Vieux.Fort .Dr.King can Talk from now until year end this will never Change Vieux.Fort. Government have to Revisit the Firearm act and the Rslpf have to get Outside Assistance with Modern Technology to Search all Houses in these Bruce Ville and Shanty Town.Also laws to Dismantle all gangs and install High Tec Cameras all over St.Lucia .The Pm on TV Laughing as if its a Joke in St.Lucia .Do Something

  9. @HN you are correct and your post speaks volumes.

    I do believe that some Lucians have never been exposed to worldly affairs and live in a St. Lucian bubble. There are some countries in the world where folk live by earning $2 a day and guess what – they do not resort to CRIMINAL activity – on the contrary they make do with what they have. I do believe that some Lucians make excuses by encouraging criminal activity and using the minimum wage as an excuse. The CRIMINAL ELEMENT in St. Lucia is not looking for LEGAL EMPLOYMENT even if a legal job pays $50 an hour – their mission is CRIME, EVIL AND DESTRUCTION TO COUNTRY, TO OTHERS AND TO THEMSELVES AS WELL AS THEIR FAMILIES.

    Personal story – I remember going to college full time for four long years, while at the same time working a full time job. My work hours were 8am – 4pm (Monday to Friday) and alternate week-ends as needed. My classes began at 6pm until 9:30pm (Monday to Thursday) and on some Saturdays the entire day was spent in class. If you fail to prepare you are ultimately preparing yourself to fail. Rome was not built in a day.

    If Mr. Walcott and Mr. Lewis had made excuses of poverty and minimum wage during their life time – (wow is me excuse) trust me – St. Lucia would have not been placed on the world stage for their Noble Prizes-they worked very hard to accomplish their goal. Some of you have no education, cannot even read or write but you want to demand a huge salary.???????

    All some Lucians do is complain, complain, complain and endorse and make excuses for CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR….some lack education, ambition, common sense, self respect, manners etc. etc. etc. and they are bringing kids into the world with the same attributes – as children learn where they live, and history will repeat itself for generations to come (malvetaayes). I don’t mean no harm – but most of you Lucians will not survive one day in a civilized society which is governed by rules, policies and regulations.

  10. @HN. It’s the same person writing under different names. Writes the same words and similar style all the time. I don’t believe their comments should be banned…a bit too strong.
    That clown doesn’t realize that they don’t pay the equivalent of $3 EC in Martinique. Yet many young people go there and commit ripoffs and murder in that country. They simply refuse to work. Even in St. Lucia, there are many jobs open, however, they refuse to work. These trade jobs pay more than $5 an hour for sure. The mentality is to get rich fast. Hardly anyone is willing to get into the trenches and tough it out until they learn the trade. That’s for “old people.” The young folks who are presently learning the trades will be the next set of successful business people. Those sitting on the block and complaining will be the next set of beggars.

  11. Thank you Jesus ❗
    Because :
    God thinks of us – PS 68v19
    Every Hour God looks after us-2Tess..3v3
    Every Minute God takes care of us 1Peter 5v7
    _because every Second He ❤️ Loves us ❗ Jeremiah 32v3

  12. Pray countinually or without ceasing-1tess..5v17
    Remember to pray night and day and in the sprit-2timothy 1v3
    Always pray in the sprit-ephesiens6v18
    Your intercessory prayers help-2corinths..1v11
    Earnest Vigilant with Thanksgiving and praise – colloss..14v2
    Rejoice, patient
    steadfast-Romans 12v12

  13. You mean to tell me that the police do not know the all the alleged drug lords in Bruceville? Where do they work to own businesses, BIG houses, and play santa claus EVERY Christmas?????

  14. I want to totally agree with everyone before who noted that $3 and $5 an hour is not the root of the crime situation in St Lucia. The Japanese are currently doing a project at the fisheries in Choiseul and are looking for persons to work at $10 an hour and they can’t get enough workers. So many young unemployed men in the south from Soufriere to Vieux Fort involved in sitting on the block and killing each other yet the Japanese can’t find 20 of them, the lowest paid at $10. an hour.


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