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UNEX’24 Ends With Counter-Terrorism Exercise


An international counter-terrorism exercise was the culminating event of the Regional Security System (RSS) Unity Exercise 2024 (UNEX’ 24) in Saint Lucia.

During the counter-terrorism exercise last week Thursday, ground troops acted upon intelligence reports of suspected safe houses.

The reports led them to the confirmation of known criminal vessels heading towards Martinique. 

The Gendarmerie de la Martinique received the information and immediately responded by sending a helicopter to support the interception operation between Saint Lucia and Martinique. 

An RSS Facebook post observed, “This collaboration was a true testament of regional and international security cooperation.”

The event was the last UNEX ’24 maritime exercise.

The UNEX ’24, which took place from April 2 to 13, saw a significant turnout with over 200 law enforcement and military officials from various countries.

They participated in various training exercises to assess and enhance their interoperability, readiness, and resilience.

The RSS described the annual exercise as the main tool for testing the efficiency of coordinating resource deployments supporting the organization’s Member States.


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