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Pierre Says Failure Not An Option In War Against Crime


Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, sounding the alarm that crime has escalated to crisis proportions in the Caribbean, has stated that failure is not an option in combatting the menace.

Pierre, responsible for National Security, delivered the keynote address at the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) 68th Annual Health Research Conference.

He asserted that the incidence of crime and violence in the Caribbean presents a public health crisis that is surpassed only for the time being by the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In this regard, the Saint Lucia Prime Minister told his audience that the authorities must apply the same degree of resolve, ingenuity, and commitment used to overcome the pandemic.

He highlighted restoring family values.

Pierre also spoke of the need for a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach to crime prevention and control and real-time data on trends and dynamics of violent crime in various hot spots, as well as school interventions.

He stated that aside from Climate change, the public health crisis of crime and violence presents the most severe threats to sustainable development in the region.

He observed that many factors contribute to the ‘virus’ of crime. 

Pierre mentioned poverty, lack of access to resources, inequitable distribution of the benefits of development, declining family values, and youth unemployment among the frequently cited causes. 

“Enabling the spread of this virus is the rapid emergence of a gang culture that seems to have no age limit. Governments at “six and seven” to contain its spread within communities and especially within the school system,” the Prime Minister noted.

 He also appealed to politicians and aspiring politicians to stop trying to score political points with crime statistics.

“The blame game needs to stop. We are near pandemic levels,” Pierre observed.

Pierre said the CARPHA event, themed: ‘Violence in the Caribbean: a Public Health Crisis, was an opportunity to continue refining some of the ideas and recommendations made at a special regional symposium on a similar theme in Trinidad and Tobago. 

“My hope is that following this conference, a regional Task Force will be established to supply CARICOM countries with a medium to long-term action plan, while we continue the implementation of short-term measures” the Prime Minister stated.

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  1. Pierre is all talk no action guy. The tells more lies than truths. Everything he says should fact checked.

  2. Isn’t this the same guy who told Lucians that he was clueless, hapless, and at his wits end regarding the issue and was pretty much offering his job to anyone who thought they could do it?

  3. The guy who politicized everything while in opposition now says do not politicize crime.

    Every Thursday Can I Help Me was quoting statistics “Chastenet presided over the period where we had the most crime in St Lucia” Now he’s mute. Crime is rampant but instead he chooses to focus on Chastenet!

  4. Pierre, you were such a nice guy working as Kenny’s right-hand man. Now you have the absolute power it’s gone to your head. I can tell that you don’t seek advice from him. Your behavior reflects Richard’s arrogant ways.

  5. Crimes will always be a factor, as Long as the slave wages are still in effect..
    The workers must be paíd a decent wage not less than $10+ per hour to reduce Crimes..
    Wages are the main factor and must be address. ASAP..Otherwise it’s all Tales from the PM.

  6. Is that the same person who said that he’s at his wits end (frazzled), regarding the crime situation? The message delivered was that he was failing miserably. By admitting his inability and refusing to quit, Pierre has already made failure an option. I suspect that Pierre has just watched the movie, “The Substitute” and is enamored by those famous words. You never know what you might find at the end of each week in St. Lisi politics. It’s a 52-week Easter egg hunt.
    Now, Pierre has ducked behind the “politicizing crime” smoke screen. It’s always a neat little place to hide when the heat is on. An overused ruse by Caribbean governments. Fortunately for him, they are enough gullible people to swallow his bs, thus keeping it alive. Has anyone wondered why no one seems able to politicize education, health, agriculture, tourism, commerce etc? Yep, you guessed right. It’s just pure, unfiltered bs.

    I just wish Pierre would do what’s right for the country and quit the position that he is ill-suited. St. Lucia deserve more. The poor guy doesn’t know when to draw the curtain on his performance. This play is a tragedy as revealed by the death toll.

  7. Pierre said “he is at his wits end with crime”, his speech writer ask him to read to “ failure is not an option in war against crime””, this is what the heading should be.


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