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WATCH: CDP Gets $18.5 Million From Taiwan


Saint Lucia’s Constituency Development Program (CDP) has received an allocation of $18.5 Million from Taiwan.

More in this report from the Communications Unit Office of the Prime Minister:


SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister

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  1. All I can think of is that the Taiwanese are expecting to escape with their cash to st. Lucia when China invades Taiwan and establishes a communist dictatorship there.

  2. This is part of how our economy grows with pure surface talk and on the ground it is completely different. The package certain contractors are doling to Gov. are estimates they use to prop up their figures. I do not blame the Taiwanese at all, they see a black horse ride it muddakont at their desire.

  3. Always getting not saying what we selling. Lucians you all crying you all have alot more crying to do.

  4. I am baffled on what merit does contractors are been awarded with these funds…is it job knowledge experienced or uhave to kiss thebutt of the district rep…i have seen somany inferior works with farmers fishermen scavengers they all contractors drains like snake backs concrete roads no reinforcement after a month its already raveling no alightment and the persons who can execute these works never get the opportunity to execute any project espically the augier laborie constituency.

  5. Use just a bit to complete the ‘Modern Hospital’ in the South; the people alone will benefit by this. Tell me, how long will you all continue with this political bias SLP vs UWP?


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