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Stolen Vehicle Recovered In Castries


The owner of a vehicle that vanished from Reduit on Thursday was relieved on Saturday upon learning that the police had recovered it.

Officers found the 2000 Suzuki Escudo, PE864, parked at Lastic Hill, Castries.

It was intact.

The owner suggested that occasional difficulty starting the Escudo due to an ignition issue might have caused the individual or individuals who stole it to abandon the vehicle.

The owner had parked the manual transmission Suzuki outside his home at Reduit when it disappeared for the second time.

A few years ago, the vehicle was also stolen and recovered virtually intact in Ciceron, Castries.

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  1. There is a man,20’S ,who “removes/ steals” cars and strips them at the top of Lastic Hill. One has aleady caught fire. He is known to the authorities. Why is he permitted to continue?

  2. The Lastic Hill car thief is known to the police. He has been doing this for years. Why has he not been stopped? Detained? One of the cars started a fire. Please stop him. He is a persistent danger to the community.

  3. Why are career criminals know to the public as well as law enforcement allowed to kill and destroy? Please be proactive …it is better to be safe than sorry.


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