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Major Damage To WASCO Transmission Line At St. Jude Highway

The Water and Sewerage Company Inc. (WASCO) has announced that its transmission mainline at St. Jude Highway is offline due to significant damage.

Saturday’s announcement said assessments were underway, and the company would provide a repair timeline ‘in due course‘.

Videos on social media showed a huge column of water shooting into the air from the ruptured pipeline.

In addition to the St. Jude Highway pipeline issue, WASCO also announced a damaged transmission line at Mahaut.

As a result, the Micoud system was offline.

The Micoud system supplies Micoud Village and all surrounding communities, including Mayette Gardens, Up The Line, Ti Rocher, and Jn Baptiste Hill.

WASCO has encouraged consumers to promptly report supply interruptions or localized faults to its south control room at 457-3984. Additionally, customers can make reports via WhatsApp Messenger by forwarding contact information and location to 482-0051.

Saint Lucia’s Cabinet of Ministers recently approved declaring a water-related emergency, the fourth in the past ten years, as the country experiences rainfall scarcity and water supply challenges.

The declaration restricts potable water use to water lawns, pressure wash, mix concrete, and fill swimming pools.

Violators face fines and imprisonment on summary conviction.

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  1. While a man plying his trade of washing vehicles to earn a living nomadically, the company see it fit to have the individual being investigated, made a public statement about it and an effort to enforce a parliamentary decision. Imagine in the 21st century a guy a be put into jail for doing a job which he earns a dollar from to maintain his family by utilizing an essential necessity the made up the formula for basic survival, while the same service are being used to entertain guest in the tourism sector. I wonder if anyone will happen to lose their job for this delinquency of engineering or if an investigation will take place as what cause this and who is at fault. We have a square peg in round hole system at work. Must try the rationing of water and electricity before election and see where it goes. Why we the citizens of this island have to pay for WASCO inept ability? We behaving as if we are living in the Sahara Desert, yet the island has rivers emptying 10s of thousands of gallons into the Atlantic and Caribbean. How stupid WASO engineers and develop personnel are? in many countries they are digging wells well below ground level of 150+ feet to backup their water supplies reserved, and we are floating on water and yet the numskulls are refusing to make that headway…. This is stupidity at its best. I want to believe the top level autocrats are a pack of wicked set of people to not invest in that manner, depriving the people of the basic need and to put economic development on a stand still…. this is pure wickedness.

  2. prober May 25, 2024 At 3:31 pm

    See the problem in this country. All of yall think the law shouldn’t apply to you. So what he washes cars for a living and he can’t at this point. Law is law. If you don’t like the law, lobby your politicians to change it. Otherwise respect it. That is the same mentality drug dealers have. I just trying to make a living. So what it is selling drugs. Same thing the produce thieves saying. I just stealing to make a little something to make ends meet. Humans have an unlimited capacity to justify the actions. At what point should the police start enforcing laws? Rape? Homicide? Theft? Vandalism? Loitering? Is either you enforce all the laws or you enforce none. And don’t complain when people justify their more “serious” offences.

  3. @ prober…are you saying that a regular man was arrested for using wasco water to wash cars? I love when laws are enforced but as we speak and as Prober mentioned…many many tourists and resorts are using precious scarce wasco water to do shate! Is always the little man that gets caught….hypocrisy!

  4. Waco… there is water running from a burst main or pipe for weeks now in La Resource Vfort by the bridge near Fibar Glass.
    And mind you all business Wasco because you all are wasting the country’s limited resources.

  5. @haiti – the Law is an ass…. I can prove it any day… why the citizens of a country have to foot the bill for tourist? An industry which is being given 15 years of tax exemption and employ the citizens to do housekeeping, serving and basic maintenance while the upper level enjoys free housing, big pay checks and terrorized our workers. Why doesn’t the government enforced that hotel workers being unionized? You think they can practice such shit in their home country. Entire WASCO board needs to be fired… or allow another company to come provide water for domestic or commercial use and see where WASCO stands.


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