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Public Urged To Avoid Anse La Raye Bridge Construction Site

O. B. Sadoo Engineering Services Limited has asked the public to stay away from the Anse La Raye Bridge Construction site as Saint Lucia expects the effects of a tropical wave Saturday evening into Sunday morning.

Forecasters predict that the system will cause an increase in cloudiness with showers and isolated thunderstorms over the Windward Islands.

An O. B. Sadoo Engineering Services notice advised individuals not to venture into the active Anse La Raye Bridge Construction Site along the river bank ‘to avoid any unforeseen incidents‘.

According to the notice, significant rainfall can raise water levels and flood surrounding areas. 

It advised the public to note all traffic signs for their own safety.

“Approach the area at a reduced speed, as sudden moves and hard braking may cause a skid. Continue to stay safe until the all-clear is issued by the relevant authorities,” the advisory said.

Construction of the new Anse La Raye bridge, which will replace the existing one-lane structure that has been in use for decades, started in February and is due for completion within a year.

The new bridge will facilitate two-lane traffic and have sidewalks, contributing to better traffic management.



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