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NYC Concerned Over Youth Gangs, Cites Parental Responsibility

The Saint Lucia National Youth Council (SLNYC) has expressed concern over the activities of violent youth gangs, reportedly influenced by the Trinidad and Tobago Sixx and Seven gang culture.

However, SLNYC President Yaniqueca Jean-Bart William explained that the organisation is still researching the origin and impact on young people because it needs more information.

Recently, violent clashes between rival groups of young men have occurred in Castries, and police have seized several ‘offensive instruments’ from students.

The situation has prompted calls for a holistic approach to dealing with the problem of youth indiscipline.

The SLNYC President agrees that all stakeholders must get involved.

However, Jean-Bart William emphasised that parents must play their role.

“I honestly believe that parental involvement is key in terms of the upbringing of a child,” she told St. Lucia Times.

The SLNYC President asserted that parents are among the main stakeholders in reinforcing moral values, monitoring, and getting involved in their children’s lives.

Jean-Bart William said it would include knowing their children’s whereabouts and friends.

She explained that children learn from what they see and their parents are an essential influence.

Nevertheless, the SLNYC President acknowledged that some children come from good homes but lack discipline.

“The peer pressure out there is weighty,” she told St. Lucia Times.

In this regard, Jean-Bart William declared that it was not merely a matter of what parents do but also of exposure to peer pressure.

“It’s not only one factor but several, so we just can’t pinpoint one,” she said about what influences youth indiscipline and violence.

PHOTO: Rival groups of young men engage in skirmishes on Chaussee Road, Castries.

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  1. Well now that you know parental responsibility is a vital factor in child raising, then hold the parents to it. Every mechanism must be implemented in fighting this scourge on our society…. parents should be held responsible for their child’s behaviour if it is found they the, the parent has not played an active role in a child’s life…schools must play an active role in ensuring that children are achievers in class and those not making the mark, whether in academic or behaviour should be place under special management…. government should implement policies that reinforce the well rounded individual…. society must play it’s part in ensuring the cohesiveness of the collective whole is beneficial to all…..

  2. . “I honestly believe that parental involvement is key in terms of the upbringing of a child,” she told St. Lucia Times…reposting what is most fundamental.

    If you bring your children up – train them and reinforce values in them – they will be most likely to succeed. Let them know they are loved and cared for – give them hugs (which most Lucian parents don’t know how to do) – embrace and reassure them that they are an integral part of the family structure and tell them that you love them unconditionally on an ongoing basis. When they do well tell them how proud you are of them….and let them know that you want them to succeed for their own future and well being. Some children in St. Lucia have never been hugged by a parent.

    I married a St. Lucian and I literally had to teach him to embrace his children and show them love. Tell them how proud you are of them and he honestly said to me I was never hugged as a child and this is extremely difficult for me to do — I said well it is never too late to learn these VERY important skillsets, which are a fundamental part of a child’s upbringing and family structure.

    We have to let go of bad tradition – Lucian parents very often say — I love you because I give you food and clothes, honestly that is ok but it takes much much more than that in rearing children – you must embrace your children and reassure them that they are loved unconditionally. Teach them respect for themselves and for others. I know that it can be accomplished because of my own upbringing for which I am so grateful.

    My co-workers daughter has been coming to the office occasionally ever since she was a baby – in fact she was born right here at this institution. I have known her for a few years – she is a wonderful little girl who will be eight years old in a few days. When she comes by I often say to her – How are you doing? How is school etc. etc. God bless you – let me give you a love you hug. I got her the most beautiful card, which says you are amazing and you are all kinds of awesome. We MUST reinforce and deposit all that we can into our youth in order to prepare them for the future

  3. When you give free health services for the pregnant sending the poor to make babies what u expected.not free sex free babies with no father


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