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Chastanet Holds ‘Fruitful Discussions’ With Church Leaders

Opposition leader Allen Chastanet met last week with Apostolic Nuncio of the Holy See to Saint Lucia, Santiago De Wit Guzman and Archbishop Gabriel Malzaire.

Chastanet described the opportunity to meet the men as an honour.

“We engaged in fruitful discussions on fostering stronger ties between the Church and the state,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader disclosed on Facebook.

Chastanet also said they discussed the role of faith in addressing the social challenges facing Saint Lucia.

“I am deeply grateful for their insights and unwavering commitment to the spiritual and moral upliftment of our people,” the former Prime Minister wrote.

The discussion regarding the role of faith in addressing social challenges occurred amid national concern over widespread indiscipline and a surge in violent crime in Saint Lucia.

Reflecting the concern in his Throne Speech in April to a joint parliamentary session, Saint Lucia’s Acting Governor General Cyril E. M. Charles linked the country’s crime scourge to a deterioration in civility and respect.

As a result, he called on all Saint Lucians to do more to reverse the decline.

Charles declared that children should grow up in an atmosphere of respect for those in authority.

He mentioned parents, teachers, the police, and civil and religious leaders.

However, Charles observed that those in authority should equally live up to their leadership responsibilities by being good examples.

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  1. NO, NO NO NO NO….Church and state should not mix …it is this same nonsense that enslaves the minds of the people….the church realises it is losing its appeal and only wants to entrap people in it’s ideologies….why don’t the church pay reparations for its role in the enslavement of our ancestors? And pay their crimes against the young and innocent? Get the church out of your politics..they offer nothing but pie in the sky….what you need in society is a proper plan of social development and intervention to solve society’s problems. If the church believed what they preached why don’t they pray to their sky god to do a miracle in Saint Lucia and stop the social ills? But you know what will say, it’s the people who much open their hearts to god….a red herring if you ask me….if your god is so powerful, why can’t he not show himself? You know what they will say, we can’t see god because of our sins, his brightness will blind us….well ask god to turn the brightness down….he is god, is he not?….I tell you, if people really open their eyes they will see this for what it really is…. snake oil garbage……the church is stealthily trying to weave it’s web and claws in the society…..they offer nothing but only take your money and sell you pipe dreams….it’s the same religion that went to so call civilise our ancestors and brain washed them but ended up enslaving them….see where that got us….see for yourselves Africa at this very moment…the richest continent on earth but look at the state of the continent….you did not read that in a book but can see it for yourself in real time what happened to our ancestors and it’s consequences today….yet you read in a book that rascal called Christ died for your sins and rose again and you believe it even without seeing it for yourselves or without proper evidence… yourselves from this nonsense and live free in thought, free in mind, free in spirit….

  2. Everything else in life is secondary when you are hungry and have no future prospects to look forward to. Think about that when you put the cart before the horse.

  3. All of these people look well fed and have free time to focus on their spiritual health. When a single mother has to work countless hours to keep food on the table the kids are left to wonder and fall into bad habits.

  4. hope they all figured out how to perform the exorcism on you . that demon you have in you for power .

  5. This is wonderful Chas, I love it. I only hope you told them the truth and only the truth. All St. Lucians know you are a stranger to the truth, we only hope this did not happen. We are looking forward for you to disclose the number of passports you sold during your term in office.

  6. mondesir June 2, 2024 At 9:36 pm

    Peep made a deal with one of the most questionable characters in all of St. Lucia to become the pee m. One whose character is so questionable a former PM refuses to serve in the house with said character. Yet you worry about chassneigh? Damn you people tribal and can’t see the bigger picture.

  7. It is good to be in the house of the LORD ❗
    Your name,O LORD,endures forever, your renown,O LORD, through (ALL)
    generations !!
    I wait for the LORD,my soul waits,and in his (WORDS)I put my trust (hope)..
    We heard it in 🇱🇨 St Lucia,
    “Let us go to the house of the LORD, his dwelling place ;let us worship at his footstool_ arise,O LORD,and come to your resting place..
    For there the LORD bestows his blessings !
    Praise the LORD,all you servant (s)of the LORD, who minister by night in the house of the LORD..
    Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the LORD..
    May the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth 🌈 bless you from St Lucia 🇱🇨..
    I know that the LORD is great, that our LORD is greater than all gods ❗
    The IDOLS of the nation are Woods,clay,silver and gold,made by human hands..
    They have no mouths, but cannot speak,eyes, but cannot see ;they have ears, but cannot hear,nor is there is breath in their mouths..
    ‼️ Those who make them will be like them,and so will all who trust in them..
    For the LORD has chosen Zion, the people of God from Israël,not the natrual children, but the choosen ones 🌈 according to his promise, those who accept his son Jesus Christ, who dwells on his words,by waiting daily at his gate and keeping watch at his door..
    he has desired it for his dwelling :
    “This is my resting place for ever and ever 🌈, for the LORD has will I sit enthroned, for I have desired it_
    I will bless her with abundant provisions ;🇱🇨 St Lucia,her poor will I satisfy with (FOOD)..
    I will clothe her holy ones with Salvation and all her godly people will ever sing for joy..
    I will clothe the enemies with shame, but the crown on her head will be resplendent”..

  8. When folk decide to have children which they can not afford to care for (both male female in collaboration) — It is their own fault, not the church nor the government. In this life we must use wisdom in all that we do. In addition, choices have consequences, as you make your own bed you will lie on it accordingly. Blame yourself for your own decisions.

  9. If the church and prayer worked, it would have changed society since the 80s. It’s obvious none of that codswallop works…

  10. @cwiz …to challenge faith is one thing, to outright claim that the powers of the most high are non existent is a whole new level of ignorance! Your knee must bow….

  11. We beleive that there is one God ;even the 🐍demons believe that shrudder..
    2 tess-
    The men of the lawlesness
    Do not let anyone deceived you to say that the day of the LORD has already come !
    God promise to deliver 🇱🇨 St Lucia one day, but the mockers, blasphèmers,and the enemies of GOD will not ever taste the goodness of the land,they will be put to shame, before the time accomplish..
    Why prayers not actually heard :
    Jeremiah 11 :14
    I will not listen to you..
    Jeremiah 2:6,19..
    All things are possible
    Luke 6:16
    Why call LORD, when you are not serving me ❓
    Jr 10:6,10..
    Jr :26…

  12. “Men of 🇱🇨 St Lucia ! I see that in every way you are very religious, for I as walk around and looked carefully at your objects of worship (idols,statues and images of the virgin mary which was a sinner …, I even found an altar with this inscription : To an unknown god..
    Now what you worship as something unknown, I am going to proclaim to you..
    “The God who made the world and everything in it is the LORD of heaven and earth and does not served by human hands.. And does not live in temples built by hands,as know he needed anything, because he himself gives all men life and breath and everything else..


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