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WATCH: Long Serving Educator Bids Farewell To The Profession

Tears, laughter, and expressions of love set the tone for the final day of service given by the outgoing Principal of the Aux Lyons Combined School.

A farewell assembly organized by staff, prefaced her departure, while also highlighting her years of service.

 Keba Taliam has more in this report:

SOURCE: Ministry of Education

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  1. Ecclesiastes 8v15..
    So I commend the enjoyment of life,to eat and drink and be glad..
    For this is your lot in life for your toilsome labor under the sun..
    Eat your food with gladness and drink your wine with a joyful heart for it is that God favors what you do..

  2. I would like to make a comment of all students whatever schools..
    Regardless of the outcome suitation, students are well respectly dress and fresh looking, am very proud of the mothers..
    May the God of heaven and earth bless you with abundant provisions and blessings to meet the needs of your familly (s)


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