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BCF Officers Get Needed Equipment

Bordelais Correctional Facility (BCF) officers are better prepared to perform their duties after receiving equipment promised by Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre.

So says the Public Relations Officer of the St. Lucia Correctional Services Welfare Association, Yasmin Peter.

Over the past few months, the BCF has received a range of essential equipment, including firearms, bulletproof vests, radios, and vehicles, among other tools, all of which have bolstered the officers’ preparedness.

The BCF has also received new staff.

In a statement Thursday on behalf of the organisation, the Association PRO thanked the Prime Minister and his Cabinet for assisting the officers.

” Our Prime Minister heard our cries and honored his commitment to provide us with the tools and equipment we requested,” Peter stated.

“Our members are now better able to carry out their duties more efficiently and effectively as a result of those added tools and equipment,” she explained.

Peter also reiterated the commitment of the Correctional Services Welfare Association to work with the government in maintaining Saint Lucia’s national security.

In August last year, the association used an incident in which a female officer bit a male inmate to highlight the challenges BCF staff faced.

At the time, the association PRO disclosed that due to the unavailability of communications equipment, the female officer had to resort to biting the inmate, not knowing what health issues the prisoner might have had.

In a July 25, 2023 letter to the Prime Minister, the association had raised several unresolved issues.

They included promotions, vacation days entitlement, a request for two four-door vans, and payment of the accidental death, disability, and pension plan that was in default.

The BCF has received one of the vans the association requested.

However, discussions regarding the other matters are ongoing.

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  1. This is the first prime minister upon listening to our cries, has delivered. We have not gotten everything, however we have gotten somethings to make our job better. Thanks Mr Pierre. We have had our battles with other PM including Kenny and Chastanet not listening to our cries, and this man has heard us and did something. We are hoping u fulfill majority of our demands to create a safer working environment at the BCF. We respect you.

  2. May the God of heaven and earth be praised and his Salvation declared in St Lucia 🇱🇨❤️


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