Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) emergency personnel rushed two young females to hospital after a motorcycle struck them on the John Compton Highway on Wednesday.
The motorcyclist also sustained injuries.
Emergency responders received a distress call at about 3:19 pm.
One of the girls sustained a broken leg and other injuries, while the other suffered injuries to the head and body lacerations.
An eyewitness told St. Lucia Times that the two girls, aged about ten and students of the Camille Henry Memorial School, were about to step onto the pedestrian crossing.
According to the eyewitness, whom we shall call John Doe due to a request for anonymity, vehicles traveling in both directions came to a halt.
“The bike was coming from behind a van that was coming from Castries and stopped. He (the motorcyclist) pop the bike and when he realise the vehicle stop, he put down the wheel and crash into the vehicle that stop for the students,” Doe stated.
He recalled that the motorcyclist lost control, hit the young students on the sidewalk, and collided with a minibus.
Doe said one of the girls was bleeding from the mouth and nose.
He said the motorcyclist, who was not wearing a helmet, was unconscious after colliding with the vehicle.
“The ambulance take him away,” the eyewitness stated.
A CCTV video posted on social media showed a motorcyclist roaring along the highway in a wheelie.
After the motorcycle disappears from view, a loud crash follows, and individuals rush to investigate the sound.
Wednesday’s incident triggered a social media backlash against reckless road users and motorcyclists in particular.
Despite repeated appeals by the authorities, Saint Lucia continues to experience a spike in road incidents, which have so far resulted in nine fatalities.
Him shoulda dead :@
Let have a donation for them those girls have a future, we need, NEED! To do all that we can towards helping them. I’m hoping that our doctors and nurses work as a team and do what they do best, and that’s save life’s. This is so hard on the parents, hearts are screaming while cry. This acts of reckless, senseless, put yourself and other in danger type driving needs to stop.
I hope the parents of both children make him pay for all the medical bills plus charge him for reckless endangerment.
Low IQ jackasses always doing nonsense on the road. When you see them doing dangerous stunts on the road you don’t even bother calling the police because the police will do nothing. Our country has become a country of lawlessness and a breeding ground for miscreants. God help me if these were my daughters bleeding on the side of the road that idiot would wish he had died.
These poor kids, I hope the severely jnjured one pulls through and they both have a speedy recovery. The motorcyclist can go to ****
These Motor Cyclists pop their Motor Cycle when ever they Notice Vehicles approaching in both Directions to gain attention.School Dismiss and Vehicles Stop to allow the School Children to use the Pedestrian Crossing but the foolish bike rider showing off.I am positive he has no Licence and Insurance. These magestrates does be too kind Hearted towards these guys at the Court .Suspend their Licence for more than 20years and post their photo all over Social Media.The Traffic act and Criminal Code should be Amended too much Nonsense happening in St.Lucia
Criminal court for reckless and dangerous driving and then civil court for medical bills, pain and suffering. Time to put a stop to this madness.
Hope dies speedily.
@ Pope
He eh have no money. He probably eh even have insurance. The kids parents are screwed because of this moron. De authorities should have taken stronger steps against those id*ots years ago. Too many of them think that because their 4-way hazard signal is on that they can break any traffic law. I watched this problem grew to the menace it is today.
Yup agreed. A gofundme should be launched for them
If it’s not guns and ammo killing people – it’s those miscreants on their unlawful motorcycles!
It’s time for the police and the courts to come down hard and punishing on these lawless criminals!
Imagine near a pedestrian crossing….so terrible to hear….even our children are not safe in this wicked world…put them into the hands of God everyday…..this is hurtful to hear…I hope both of these girls will be ok…imagine dat…near a pedestrian crossing…..these bike fellas i jus eh no wat to say again…he needs to be held responsible……i find from the past few weeks i am hearing of children being struck down by vehicles…..imagine ur children doing the right thing and still getting hurt….prayers goes out to these girls…
Do you know that when I cross the road at a pedestrian crossing where the traffic has stopped I still look both ways for foolish bike riders?
Is there a go fund me page for them? Please share!