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Vehicle Hits Child At Bexon

A vehicle struck a nine-year-old boy near the petrol station at Bexon on Sunday morning.

Emergency responders from the Saint Lucia Fire Service (SLFS) Castries headquarters rushed to the scene at about 9:05 a.m. after learning of the road incident.

But they discovered that a private vehicle had transported the young victim to the hospital.

The circumstances surrounding the incident were not immediately apparent.

However, it occurred days after emergency personnel rushed three students to the hospital after reports that a motorcycle struck them on the John Compton Highway on Wednesday.

According to reports, the children were about to enter the pedestrian crossing.

The youngsters and the motorcyclist sustained multiple injuries.

The incident evoked an outpouring of sympathy for the children and harsh criticism of the motorcyclist whom CCTV cameras had captured doing a wheelie.

Shortly after the motorcycle disappeared off camera, there was a loud crash.

In addition to the outpouring of sympathy for the young victims and outrage over reckless behaviour by motorcyclists on the roads, social media users have also urged the creation of a GoFundMe account to assist with the children’s medical expenses.


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  1. What is this? Hit the children month in SLU? This article does not provide details. However, I hope it was not another case of negligence or irresponsible driving! License suspensions should be a thing in SLU. The government should consider enacting or enforcing, if it is already in place, laws that would revoke, suspend, or deny idiots (when their actions clearly label them as such) a driving license.


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