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Saint Lucia Met Office Monitoring Weather System


The Saint Lucia Meteorological Services is closely monitoring a weather system that is over one thousand miles away from the Island.

The disclosure came from Meteorologist Venantius Descartes.

“We keep monitoring the system for any signs of development. There is a low chance of it developing within the next 48 hours and about a forty percent chance of it developing in the next seven days,” Descartes told St. Lucia Times.

He said while it is good for people to keep an eye out, if the Met Office observes the rapid development of a wave into a storm, the office will alert citizens in good time.

Weather experts have predicted that the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season, which officially started on June 1, could be one of the most active on record.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has predicted an 85% chance of an “above normal” season this year.

NOAA has projected 17 to 25 named storms with 30 miles per hour or higher winds, including eight to 13 hurricanes packing winds of 74 miles per hour or higher.

In an average season, there are 14 named storms and seven hurricanes.

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  1. If this is your official report then you need to do some research, this system will definitely affect us and you are unaware,


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