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Saint Lucia Amends Its Citizenship Act

Second-generation Saint Lucian descendants born overseas now have a clear path to acquiring Saint Lucian citizenship!

Government lawmakers, on June 26, 2024, voted in Parliament to amend the Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act to pave the way for descendants of Saint Lucian parentage to become naturalized Saint Lucian citizens.

When the amendment of the Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act takes effect, a person born outside Saint Lucia becomes a citizen at the date of his or her birth if, at that date, his or her father, mother, grandfather or grandmother is a citizen by birth.

That means the children and grandchildren of Saint Lucians who migrated and started families in foreign countries now have the opportunity to inherit their birthright – Saint Lucian citizenship.

The historic amendment to the Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act will make Saint Lucian descendants born overseas eligible to represent our country nationally and create new avenues for second-generation Saint Lucians to contribute to the development of Saint Lucia.

Tens of thousands of Saint Lucian descendants living in diaspora communities around the world will benefit from the amended Citizenship of Saint Lucia Act.

SOURCE: Office of the Prime Minister


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  1. That’s why the British fool Black people in the Caribbean who worked so hard in England .They had Many Children in England change laws to avoid them Citizenship .Persons born before 1979 in St.Lucia have been in posrssion of British Passport.Thats Why I don’t L##e the British.St.Lucia Should have been French or American.I am so Happy England out of T20 World Cup.Their Criminal laws are in Favour of Criminals

  2. Lol Vadimir, St lucia should have been French not American. Dental care and other healthcare in America is only for the privileged

  3. Where did that information come from ???? – on the contrary folk in America who are not privileged are well able to access healthcare without cost to them – it is called Medicaid for all those who meet the criteria.

    Rest assured the privileged or the legal working class don’t qualify for government assistance in the US. They have to foot their own bill. I am currently employed and my healthcare benefit which gets deducted from my paycheck automatically BI-WEEKLY is $160 US and that it only for medical. The dental and vision is an additional expense and then there are co-payments for appointments. In addition, the services which are not covered or the services for which their is a specific designated insurance payment. The insured have to pay the remaining balance.

  4. I believe this is definitely a great start – as there are many in the diaspora and beyond who are descendants of St. Lucians by birthright; and if afforded the opportunity they could make a significant impact for the benefit of St. Lucia. I can state this with absolute certainty.

    In fact, I know of a specific organization who has been traveling to St. Lucia for the past several years at their VERY own expense (airfare, car rentals, hotel – with lots of material for the citizens of St. Lucia). This group which includes but is not limited to individuals from Pennsylvania, South Carolina, North Carolina, Brooklyn, Florida to name a few has been actively involved in free annual givebacks, educational programs, and summer camps across various schools in St. Lucia at their own expense. They literally utilize their OWN VACATION time from work in support of this initiative. I have been supporting this group financially as I have seen firsthand what they are doing from the kindness of their heart without wavering. As I write this comment, they are currently preparing for their 2024 trip.

    I personally know of several individuals of St. Lucian parents/grandparents who meet the criteria in every industry.
    Healthcare, engineering, scientist,
    Youth development
    Social services,
    Nursing education
    Photography etc. etc. etc. etc. and much more – these individuals possess all the necessary credentials in their skills sets and areas of instruction.

    However, you need to teach some of your people in St. Lucia to be more hospitable and not resentful of those who may very well be able to help.

    Example: I left St. Lucia as a young teenager and have returned only a few times. I have also travelled to many other countries and islands and have had wonderful experiences there. However, I can honestly state without even opening my mouth I felt the energy of resentment from several individuals when I visited St. Lucia – not sure why. Godspeed.

  5. Living overseas and each time I came down made a trip to my local doctors. Accessing medical care when u need it is impossible in England and very expensive in the US.

  6. So what will the process be to acquire the citizenship and when will these amendment be made does anyone know?


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