The mother of a nine-year-old girl who sustained multiple injuries in a road incident last month has appealed to motorists to exercise greater caution.
A vehicle struck the child at a pedestrian crossing on Jeremie Street, Castries, on May 17.
The child’s mother, who spoke anonymously to HTS and DBS television reporters, disclosed that the incident deformed the girl’s left leg.
She said the child spent ten days at the OKEU Hospital and had major surgery on both broken legs.
The physical injuries apart, the youngster is suffering from severe trauma and depression and is receiving counseling.
“She is not sleeping at nights. All how she tries to sleep, she would wake up and she would dream of multiple accidents,” the mother disclosed.
The mother said the Grade Four student’s condition prevents the child from moving about.
“For a nine-year-old to go through that – not able to walk, not able to go out to play, it’s really hard for her,” the parent stated.
The mother also said her daughter no longer trusts pedestrian crossings.
The mother appealed to drivers to be cautious when approaching the crossings.
“I know a driver would not leave their house or leave their location to cause an accident, but be mindful that kids are using the road and not only kids, everybody,” she said.
In this regard, the mother called on drivers to watch their speed.
Earlier this month, three girls sustained injuries when a motorcyclist struck them as they were about to access a pedestrian crossing on the John Compton Highway.
A CCTV recording had earlier captured the motorcyclist, injured in the incident, doing a wheelie.
Since then, there have been calls for stricter traffic law enforcement and school traffic wardens to ensure that primary school children cross public roads safely to and from school.
As a child growing up in the ’60’s and ’70’s era, road safety was taught both in school and at home – what happened?
Today, in this era, I witness lackadaisical behaviour by everybody on our roads, extending to motorists and motorcyclists. Where has the road discipline and common sense gone to?
Just recently, I was verbally chastised by a POLICEWOMAN ON A MOTORCYCLE for attempting to use a pedestrian crossing, while she BULLDOZED me with her motorcycle! Yes, it happened! I was in such a state of shock, I neglected to take the licence info on her
This is no joke – and yes, bring back pedestrian wardens for school children – even to teach them to raise their hand while standing at a pedestrian crossing to signal to motorists that they wish to cross the street.
Traffic lights are of paramount importance in St. Lucia
Traffic lights are of paramount importance in St. Lucia – we are in 2024 for God sake. Citizens as well as very young children should not be dashing and running across the street dodging traffic in every direction. You also need to make some streets ONE WAY. Godspeed.
I remember in the 1990s, kids from all small communities in schools we never heard of, uniforms we never saw, were brought into Castries to be taught how to use the “zebra” crossing and traffic lights, and how to get around the city, take the bus ,ask for directions and find the police. Back then all lights worked as they were new but today none of them work properly. The school field trips to the city were a joy to watch, especially when JQ installed sliding doors and the escalators were switched on at their central mega store. Buildings were well maintained and the city was not too hot. Eventhough the square name was finally changed, things are advancing for the worst. The irony
Back then, there was less police but we somehow had crossing guards on most of the streets, we had motorbike patrol like it was a US city, people were stopped on the road by bullish no nonsense officers, school bags were searched and kids were sent home. With modernization, civility is lost!
Kindly mother, your daughter is feeling the pain of her own body only cries for herself, but my mouth would encourage her ;comfort from my lips would bring her relief.
The problem here is that the lights for that zebra crossing on Jeremie Street don’t work properly (always stuck on the red hand signal) and many pedestrians don’t know they’re supposed to be observing the traffic lights lower down. Some drivers also deliberately ignore the traffic lights. Unfortunately, this was bound to happen and may continue unless the lights are fixed/maintained. There also needs to be public education programs for both pedestrians and motorists on how to use the roads, sidewalks, how to read traffic lights, etc