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Scooter Rider Dead After Bexon Crash

A scooter rider, identified by the police as​ Gersharm Jean, succumbed to his injuries after a collision with a vehicle on the Bexon Highway on Saturday.

At about 8:45 pm, Castries Traffic Department officers received a report of a severe collision between a scooter and a motorcar.

An ambulance transported the twenty-eight-year-old scooter rider to the OKEU Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.

Gersharm Jean was a resident of New Village, Castries.

A female pillion rider sustained multiple injuries and was also rushed to the OKEU Hospital by Saint Lucia Fire Service personnel.

Saturday night’s fatal collision brings to eleven the number of people who have died so far in 2024 due to road incidents in Saint Lucia.

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  1. Ban all bikes from our roads until the licensing process is cleaned up….training and enforcement of defensive practice instead of the aggression by most bikers. That Ministry of Transport really worthless…oh that’s why..ots headed by a king.


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