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Pierre Says He Harbours No Personal Hatred For Chastanet

Amid a surge in political rhetoric by both major parties in Saint Lucia, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre has declared that he carries no personal hatred for opposition leader Allen Chastanet.

The opposition United Workers Party (UWP) has often accused Pierre of being obsessed with Chastanet.

Chastanet has frequently been the target of the Prime Minister’s criticism.

The reverse has also been true.

However, Pierre told a conference of his Castries East constituency Sunday night that he has nothing against the UWP leader.

“Your policies and mine are different. But I have nothing against you. I carry no personal hatred. I have no time to hate. If I have somebody to hate, you think I will hate Chastanet? You think I will waste my hate and hate Allen Chastanet? Why must I hate him?” The Castries East MP declared.

Pierre said he believes the former Prime Minister’s policies and what he stands for are against the people of Saint Lucia.

“That is what I am against. I am against the idea that because you are out of government, you must destroy everything. No matter what it is, you must destroy it because you are out of government. So, anything the Labour Party does, you are out to destroy it. That is what I am against,” Pierre asserted.

He recalled inviting the opposition to work with the government on climate change action.

However, Pierre contended that the UWP’s mindset was one of division, hatred, and dividing Saint Lucia into two camps.

As a result, he urged ruling Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) supporters to stay focused.

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  1. “If I have somebody to hate, you think I will hate Chastanet? You think I will waste my hate and hate Allen Chastanet? Why must I hate him?” The Castries East MP declared.”

    The undertones of that statement right there contradicts the assertion that you harbor no personal hatred towards the guy. It’s a statement laced with anger.

  2. Yawn …. give us a break PIP.
    That’s the thorn in your side. Can’t a day go by if you or your clowns don’t mention his name.
    A good leader focuses on the job at hand not what the past leader did or did not do.
    What you need to do is grow some balls and recognize that you are the one now in the hot seat.

  3. St Lucia will never go forward with this pettiness. This can only be said and accepted at Marchand so he has to speak in this manner, not that if not prepared for him, it would be any better.

  4. 🤣🤣 You’re right, its not hatred that you habour, it’s jealousy! You and the other loud mouth from Central!

  5. Is it just me, or does the SLP seem so angry and bitter? PJP, Frederick, Emma, Hilaire, these people are consumed with hatred, it shows on their faces.
    You’d think for a party that won 15/2 they’d be content.

    And when are they going to get out of campaign mode? 3 years on and they’re still talking about things Chastenent did. They sold the people the lies, the people bought it and voted the Chastenent admin out. Why are we still hearing the same old talking points?

  6. Most Honorable PJP you are such a nice and decent guy…..our history books will read well about you. “ The former PM and his polices and what he stand for are against the people of St Lucia”. Well said indeed ! Pierre I told you leave the dirty work for me I HATE HiS YELLOW *** yes I said it. The same kind of hate the likes of that Classic Oh Really, Nuge, Ant, Vadimer Putin, and eh eh that “Countryman” Bojay i laugh until pee on myself hiding behind the mic modulator a Yardie but not to the untrained ears of an retired electronics technician I have the hardware to unmuzzle them…… fool. These people are the wicked witches of the UWPEES along with their paid cohorts.

  7. Its all a game, the same people in politics, very little to no change on both sides. the game is chess not checkers and we are the pawns. we have remain the same since 1980 something. so whats next. its like the entire island is own by the same politicians
    take a look at the nations IMF debt, and yes its going up and up and up. click on link:


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