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Three-Day Program Promises Only Good News!

In a world where bad news endlessly streams on social media, TV, and radio, a three-day live event open to the public will deliver only good news!

One of the largest convention organizations in the world will again return to Bexon with a much-anticipated motivational program to comfort and encourage the public.

Jehovah’s Witnesses will present their 2024 “Declare the Good News!” convention series beginning the weekend of July 12-14, 2024. The free event is expected to draw more than 1,000 attendees to the event over the course of two weekends.

“These conventions are a highlight of the year for millions of people worldwide who need to experience some positivity in their lives,” said Mario Bissette, local spokesperson for Jehovah’s Witnesses. “And we are happy to have the ‘Declare the Good News!’ program here in St. Lucia.”

The “Declare the Good News!” convention will present Bible-based videos, discourses, and interviews on topics such as…

  • Believe the Truth About Jesus
  • Use the Good News to Defeat Bad News
  • Public Bible Discourse: Why We Don’t Fear Bad News

Saturday spotlights a baptism of candidates from surrounding communities, while a two-part video feature will captivate the audience on Friday and Saturday mornings. Prior to each convention, local Jehovah’s Witnesses engage in a campaign to invite community members to this free event.

Last year, nearly 13 million people attended more than 6,000 three-day conventions worldwide.

To learn more about this free convention and to find a location near you, please visit > About Us > Conventions.

SOURCE: Jehovah’s Witnesses

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  1. It’s rather more like feeding on the gullibility of the ignorant…this jesus hoccurry poccurry is all a lie…of course, the pull or religion formed thousands of years ago is hard to resist especially when it has had thousands of years to ingrain itself into the mind and psyche of humanity…..yet many of the stories in the bible has been proven untrue….

    Seven day creation of world/universe… untrue
    The universe is 13.5 billion years old (proven fact), not 6000 years as the religious zealots claim.

    Adam and Eve… untrue
    We evolved out of Africa over millions of years yet modern human have only been on the planet for approximately 200,000 years give or take.(Proven fact)

    The great flood…untrue
    No scientific evidence for the food has been Found. But scientific evidence has been found for the event the caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago (the chixulub crater near Mexico) humans were not even on the planet yet…The entire earth drowned by a flood is impossible. In fact noah never existed

    Tower of Babel….untrue
    Fact: consider this reasoning. Man started to build a tower to get to heaven in an attempt to be safe from the so called flood that god sent to destroy the earth…but god saw that man was determined to reach heaven and so god changed the language of men to confuse them… however, we now know that building high into the atmosphere is first impossible because the further up you go the more difficult it is to breathe because the oxygen levels are low. That is why you fly in a pressurised plane when you travel abroad….so you telling me god did not know that men would not breathe properly if they tried to reach heaven? Even more where is heaven? We are always told it’s up…up where? Space? In some distant galaxy? ( It’s estimated here are over 2 trillion galaxies in the OBSERVABLE universe.) So where was man going when they thought of building the tower of Babel? They would have reach nowhere, cause they would not be able to breathe properly, they would also freeze to death due to the cold and even more obvious, they can’t breath in space…..this shows you how ridiculous these religious stories are…

    Jonah and the whale..untrue
    Fact: a whale has more than one stomach which contains acid to aid digestion..all mammals have gastric juice in stomach to aid digestion. So how is it a man was swallowed for 3 days and 3 nights in an acidic environment, breathe the stench of stomach content and survived after being vomited by the whale on some beach. Mind you Jonah would need oxygen to breathe to survive for 3 days and nights in the belly of the whale…show again the ridiculousness of religious idiocy.

    The exodus…..untrue
    No archeological evidence has been found for the Jews under moses leaving Egypt. After leaving Egypt, the Jews spent almost 40 years on their journey to the promised land and yet, with this large number of people (estimated to be about 2 million) they left now evidence of their 40 years journey on the landscape…it never happened….

    Virgin birth of jesus… untrue
    Well, impossible to be pregnant without union of male and female egg. Perhaps you ignorants must read the other accounts from the Talmud (Jewish religious text) and hear what they think about the virgin birth…many people are clueless to not realise that their beliefs came from ancient Jewish mythology…. Judaism influenced Christianity and islam… Judaism approx 600 BC, Christianity approximately 30 AD, Islam approximately 631 AD… Judaism, Christianity and Islam are known as the Abrahamic faith due to there relationship to each other.

    Death and resurrection..untrue
    Many ancient civilizations had dying and rising gods…the first evidence found for a dying and rising gods was Inanna ( a woman god approx. 4000 BC). Since there there has been many dying and rising gods: Dionysus, Tammuz, Adonis, Attis and the least goes on and on…. interestingly if you look on the map of the world where all these gods were worshipped, they are all near the middles east and eastern Europe (Greece)… That says slot for one myth influencing another myth over and over and over again over thousands of years…jesus christ and god is just another well woven myth in the long line of myths. Well you would think after so many thousands years of perfecting a myth, humans would get the story so well put together that it captivated the minds of gullible people even to this day.

    Dr Richard Carrier PhD did extensive research into the god myth and Found evidence galore for it’s mythological origins. He is found on YouTube giving lectures on his peer reviewed research, he debates religious apologists, and wrote extensively of the god myth. A very enlightening point of view….have a listen if you think you tough enough to challenge your superstitions.

    And the list of untruths gon Jesus and god and the bible goes on….of course, there will always be gullible people to drink this nonsense, looking for hope from some unseen nonexistent god… religion is big business when there are gullible people to fool.


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