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Police Concerned About Student Gangs

Officers from the Community Relations Branch (CRB), concerned about youth gangs, recently spent time with Boys Training Centre (BTC) wards, discussing cyberbullying and the gang culture.

The officers also engaged Bocage Secondary School teachers.

The interaction came amid a surge in gang violence involving young people, believed linked to the Sixx and Seven gang culture imported from Trinidad and Tobago.

According to the police, the aim of the session with the Bocage Secondary School teachers was to assist them in tackling current gang culture in schools, recognising signs associated with gangs, and managing students who may be involved in gangs.

A Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) release said gang culture, especially among students, has become a serious concern.


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  1. I don#t believe this is news… honestly… student gangs? porn is a part of the subject area.. ppl grow up

  2. @Anonymous – are you living under a rock? In a rock? In a bubble?
    I encounter these louts almost on a daily basis in Castries city – they DO exist!!
    @Lucius Malfoy – exactly!

  3. If y’all were so concerned about crime, foot patrol would be a must in our community. so stop all that LIP service….”SO Sue Me” i would pick the rock instead not he bubble…lol

  4. Parents, parents child rearing is YOUR RESPONSIBIITY – some of you are lacking in every area, yet you continue to have children – make that make sense.


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