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Rain Dampens Carnival Sales For Saint Lucian Vendors

This year’s anticipated busy carnival season in Saint Lucia fell below expectations for vendors, who said adverse weather conditions and changing consumer habits affected their sales.

Despite the optimistic forecasts for a vibrant carnival season, vendors reported a noticeable decline in sales compared to previous years.

The president of the Saint. Lucia Craft and Dry Goods Vendors Association, Peter “Ras Ipa” Isaac, highlighted that vendors struggled due to the rain and a shift in how festivities are supported.

According to Isaac, bands have begun to provide essentials, like drinks and food, directly to revelers, reducing the need for vendor services and further reducing sales.

On Tuesday, St. Lucia Times spoke with several vendors for feedback.

Vanessa Emmanuel disclosed that she has been vending at the carnival events for four years and saw the least sales this year.

“Yesterday (July 15th), it wasn’t all that because of the rain. I guess people don’t like to come out when it rains. But compared to last year-  it was better than this year, and the year before it was even better.”

Despite the challenges, Vanessa maintained a positive outlook, stating, “Whatever I make, I’m grateful and thankful.”

Other vendors also reported sales that were less than expected.

However, despite being disappointed with the downturn, vendors looked forward to next year’s Carnival celebrations.

PHOTO: Vanessa (far left) and others pose for photo.

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  1. The police say biggest crowds, vendors say less sales. Maybe people are losing interest in the increasing levels of vulgarity on display. I for sure won’t take myself or kids anywhere near that display. Very little art on display but plenty of indecent St. Lucia culture.

  2. When the bands start Creating people will come out. Rain or shine.
    In times gone by; when Miss Booty was in evolved there was no complaint about rain. Do u know why? There was something to see. Not big fat women assess.
    Every year is the same so people stayed in their homes especially with the weather as is
    Make some positive improvement, then, rain will not be an issue


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