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Record Visitor Arrivals For Lucian Carnival

By Tony Nicholas

Preliminary visitor arrival figures for Saint Lucia Carnival 2024 point to the numbers trending above 18,000. That is according to the Public Relations Manager at the Saint Lucia Tourism Authority, Geraine George.

The announcement came Wednesday morning during a carnival media briefing and the announcement of Carnival winners.

However, Tourism Minister Dr. Ernest Hilaire in speaking with St. Lucia Times  earlier stated that while these are exciting times for the growth and development of the carnival product, there is need for a balance between the growth in terms of visitors and ensuring the island maintains its cultural and creative authenticity.

In making the announcement Wednesday, Geraine Georges said that the preliminary figures represents arrivals between July 7 – July 16, 2024. “This is the heavy carnival period, the week of private events as well as our national parade of the bands,” she noted.

The final figures she went on to say will be released very soon.

“The Saint Lucia Tourism Authority is very pleased with the turnout for Lucian carnival this year. We are very pleased with the support and our efforts to continue marketing Lucian carnival in the global market place,” Georges told the media.

“In an effort to do so we continue our partnership this year with celebrities, influencers as well as media to not only highlight carnival but the destination as a whole,” the SLTA official expressed.

Acknowledging the growth of Saint Lucia carnival (from sixteen thousand visitors in 2023 to eighteen thousand in 2024), Minister of Tourism, Creative Industries, Culture and Broadcasting  Dr. Ernest Hilaire said additional accommodation is now posing quite a challenge.

“The mas has grown, the numbers are huge this year, with more flights more accommodation is needed,” Hilaire stated. “We are a point where we need to manage the growth and at the same time ensure that we maintain that the cultural and creative expressions are still a main feature of our carnival,” he added.

“It cannot be all about the economic impact and visitors coming, the cultural significance of carnival and the historic significance of our carnival must never be lost,” Hilaire emphasized.

“So we have to make sure that this is always factored in so as to manage the growth in a manner that is sustainable but also relevant to ourselves as a people,” he observed.

A number of celebrities and social media influencers were engaged by the SLTA and its partners, for Lucian carnival this year.

Among them; American singer/actress Chloe Bailey, Trinidadian Soca sensation Patrice Roberts, actress Jessie Woo, Nigerian content creator, singer, dancer Korra Obidi, British actress Natalie Emmanuel of Game of Thrones and Miss Jamaica World 2022 Shanique Singh.

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  1. If there were record visitors and vendors still complained about low sales, saying sales this year were lower than last year, and last year was lower than the year before, may indicate that many visitors are including a meal package where they stay. So officials now have to look at how visitors can be enticed to spent more with the small vendors.

  2. It is important to note one of the issues identified as impacting the vendors income was the rental of vending space. I think the time has come for government to share the carnival pie amongst all stake holders instead of only a few. The route must be properly cleaned before and after, registered vendors should have free access to official vending spots, employment of temporary cleaners, more accessible parking sports for revelers etc.

    If the government organizers are serious all relevant govt. dept. must collaborate to put on a govt. sponsored event. To often these national events are being televised and the surrounding appears unkempt and unappealing. St Lucia we must do better than that. This was most glearling during the independence baton relay.

  3. Have a traditional band competition as well. Remember when we had the drum, iron and taboo bands. Remember when we had solo groups and toes on the road?…bring that ish back!!!

  4. I love that for us. But, will that hurt our staycation promo opportunities? Cuz… charity begins at home. 🥱

  5. Make up your mind. Do you want foreign mugs coming here with all their lovely money so you can rip them off on every level, or not?

  6. All the horrible bums and blatant sex activities were off putting. The police should have arrested the grandmother’s for indecent exposure.

    The Martinique/guadeloupe band shows again how it should be done. Their costume and music were far superior.

    I declare that next year we will be counting pubic hair because what else is left to show.

  7. There is more to see !!!!
    Why ?
    Only the true and holy bible with the words of the Living GOD will reveal !!!!


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