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City Police Arrest Marchand Labourer For Illegal Gun Possession

A Marchand labourer was in City Police custody on Monday after an early morning arrest for possession of an illegal gun.

The City Police were due to hand him over to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).

At about 4:30 am, City Police officers arrested the twenty-nine-year-old after finding a Reck double-action GR 90 handgun without ammunition in a pouch he carried.

The arrest occurred on St. Louis Street, Castries, amid a surge in gun violence, primarily responsible for 48 homicides so far in 2024.

Between April and June 2024, the Royal Saint Lucia Police Force (RSLPF) seized 12 319 rounds of ammunition and twenty-one illegal firearms.

The RSLPF described the seizures as ‘impressive.’

In April, officers recovered nine firearms and 117 rounds of ammunition, four firearms and thirty-four rounds of ammo in May, and in June, eight firearms and 12 168 rounds of ammunition.

Despite the seizures of illegal firearms and ammunition, social media users have complained bitterly about the granting of bail to individuals police charged with the offenses.

According to critics on social media, bail amounts to a slap on the wrist in an environment where gun crime has become a serious national concern.

Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. Let’s hear what the bail will be. I am calling on the magistrates to tell us what they have plan with all the gun cases they have pending. Do the magistrates really need a new hall of justice, presently court begins at 10 am to noon and 1.30 to 2.30 daily. All cases have one verdict that is ADJOURN.
    Shame on the magistrates.

  2. they should send you jail what you doing with that. Why not a book reading how to improve on your life and standard of living.

  3. It appears not only that some men are useless in Saint Lucia, they are stupid too. Getting done for an illegal fire arm and now having to face the law and acquire a criminal record. A bunch of block heads, dysfunctional, lost and have no self direction. Boys…noooo…. infants who have failed to developed into boys, to young men, to adults and to mature self respecting men. There are multiple crisis in Saint Lucia ( gun violence, road traffic accidents, domestic violence, political shenanigans, poor infrastructure, delapidated city) and it’s frightening for the future of the nation…

  4. Money says:
    Earn me forget everything !
    Time says :Follow me forget everything !
    Future says :Struggle for me forget everything !
    GOD SAYS :
    Just remember me,
    Till I give you everything ❗

  5. Let him loose. He is only an engineer in love with mechanisms. So what if he shoots up the place? This won’t be the first time it got shot up. Further, that behavior is highly encouraged can’t you see? Don’t forget to tell him, “see you soon.”

  6. Afterall everyone needs a gun to protect his own in those treacherous streets. …better to have one and not need it than to need one and not have one…..I cry blood st.lucia🇱🇨 but ppl need to understand what’s taking place in the streets…alot of you need to stay in your lane at this point cuz those youths surely rather be judge by 12 than to be carried by 6

  7. Not going to do a lot of damage without ammo, so a safe arrest. You need to start rounding up the ones with the loaded guns.

  8. When I was growing up in st lucia there was only one kinda police officers and that was royal st lucia police force and the police carried around a whistle and a piece of wood and everyone was at their best behavior
    Now their got police with guns and semi automatic assult rifles and now a new set of police officers call city police with guns and now there is now peace I see some people women and men hampering the police carrying their duties with insults and other forms of harassments and walk away scotch free and go on their merry way oh what a change****


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