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SLNT Calls For Improved National Garbage Management

The Saint Lucia National Trust (SLNT) has urged better nationwide garbage management, while suggesting it would be a big challenge.

Last week, a video posted on social media raised concerns about garbage on the beach near Pigeon Island.

SLNT Business Development and Outreach Manager Ms. Finola Jennings-Clark told St. Lucia Times it appeared that the National Conservation Authority (NCA) had cleared the regular garbage for collection.

“National Conservation Authority does daily clean-ups on beaches around the island, mostly managing to keep the beaches quite well and we commend them for this work,” Jennings-Clark stated.

Nevertheless, the SLNT official explained that, like many, her organisation wishes to see improvement in garbage management around the island but recognises that it is no small challenge.

“We believe that changing habits and minds would require the authorities – including, but not limited to, the Saint Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority, Ministry of Health (Environmental Health), Constituency Councils, Educational institutions and so on, to work together for a long-term educational drive to develop healthy habits for garbage disposal and systems that support it,” Jennings-Clark said.

She indicated that the systems would include recycling collections and ‘well-serviced’ public bins.

“We recognise the negative impact on our tourism product, a sector that underpins our economy. However, we believe this drive should be focused on creating valuation of healthy spaces for the nation overall,” Jennings-Clark told St. Lucia Times.

PHOTO: Screen grab from social media video.

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  1. Education, education, education.
    When you see garbage being thrown out of vehicles. When you see garbage being dropped in the street and on the beach, you just think to yourself WHY?
    Just take it home and put it in the bin.
    Whatever you leave behind is a mess for others but they then do the same.
    Broken bottles on a beach equal serious injury.
    Take your trash home it may be you that stands on one of your own broken bottles.

  2. I have been begging the government through a popular radio station for about 3 years now to provide a truck and concessions on waste disposal apparatus…(Bags, garbage picks, gloves, boots etc)…allow those in prison doing light sentences to serve their years through community beautification and upkeep of our fair island. It has all fallen on death ears…. each time.

  3. SLNT still around , I thought they’re dissolved since they are one of the arms of the Labour Party. Aa PJP not taking you’ll on. You’ll make the government make a company pay a citizen for land they don’t own. Any monies paid by Cabot was suppose to be paid SLNT they pay Majorie😂😂.Majorie I happy for you but I don’t want to see what COBO( Castries central rep.) the lawyer charge for that case. Yes you’ll read right.
    Go on your Thursday night and cry like a female teenager that mis place her maxi pads .😂😂😂😂😂


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