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SLHTA Hopes Minimum Wage Will Help Crime Prevention

The Saint Lucia Hospitality and Tourism Association (SLHTA) hopes that implementing the first legislated minimum wage will positively impact crime prevention and reduce the number of other social ills.

The Association observed that tourism is the largest contributor to Saint Lucia’s Gross Domestic Product, accounting for the highest number of jobs.

In this regard, an SLHTA release on Thursday said the organisation was hopeful that the minimum wage would foster a more equitable environment that benefits the country.

The SLHTA release quoted CEO Noorani Azeez as commending the authorities for ‘this bold move’.

He noted that it aligns with best practices.

“As our economy grows, a minimum wage is one of the broader actions that will help us to create a more equitable, inclusive, and accessible society,” Azeez stated.

The SLHTA said it had ‘no objections’ to the minimum wage and urged compliance.

According to the Association, during the planning phase, the Minimum and Equal Wages Commission engaged the SLHTA in numerous productive sessions.

It explained that the sessions provided the SLHTA’s vast membership with opportunities to discuss the wage’s impact on operations, voice their concerns and make recommendations.

“The Association will continue to support its members through this transition, and offer guidance and resources to ensure smooth compliance with the new regulations,” the SLHTA release observed.

Effective October 1, 2024, the minimum wage will ensure that Saint Lucian employees get no less than $1126 monthly, $52 daily, or $6.50 hourly.

It does not include overtime, a share of service charge, commissions, bonuses, or profit sharing.

Earlier this month, Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre encouraged employers to accept the measure for greater societal equity.

At the same time, Pierre warned that layoffs would sow the seeds of discord and disenchantment and probably influence criminal activity.

PHOTO: Noorani Azeez stock image.

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  1. A minimum wage will cause either more unemployment or higher prices. Pick your poison. To blame unemployment for some scum to pick up a gun and go blow somebody’s head open is downright retarded. Those people are pure evil and like every cancer need to be cut out. St. Lucia was in the past far poorer with very high levels of unemployment yet the levels of homicides were infinitely lower. According to Peep, unemployment is decrease, so why are we on track for another record breaking year of homicides. Stop spreading nonsense padna.

  2. You are somewhat misguided in your opinion. Raising the minimum wage, though it may be a step in the right direction, it will not reduce crime. The people who commit crime are by their very nature persons who have made their choices based, not on working but making a quick buck in the illegal drug trade or in criminality where the money they make, if not caught would pay them way more in one illicit trade than a minimum wage will give them in 2 years of pay. It’s those who will not work but find it easier to rob, steal and plunder others for a quick fix. They have made that conscious decision to take that road of criminality. Look at the statistics. The majority of young men who have become a crime statistic had links to some illicit trade or some form of criminality. Then there are the innocent victims of crime who would have been assaulted by the person who would have committed the crime. Why is their crime? One reason is It’s because they don’t want to work even though there is work but instead they want to make an easy dollar. So raising the minimum wage, while it is welcomed and would give more people more money in their pockets, it will not stop crime. What stops crime is having citizens who have been brought up with values, had a balanced education and who have made a conscious effort to be a contributing, fully functional citizen in society. These people would then go on to have decent jobs and raising equally decent families who would also become fully functional and contributing members in society. That’s how crime is reduced. Teaching values, national identity and pride, respect, education throughout the entire development of the individual from childhood till they are ready for the jobs market. You must first teach the child to think critically, rationally, logically which education should instil in an individual then they go on to be well rounded individuals. In order words to stop crime you must start from childhood to build the individual to reach their fullest potential.

  3. Sorry, Mr. Azeez, a sizeable number of young men don’t want to work. Many small businesses are complaining that they can’t find workers. Sometimes, even if one points them at job openings, they still don’t show up for possible hire. There has been at attitudinal shift between generations.

    Some of the reasons forwarded are, “you just making another man rich.” Another, “life is short so enjoy it.” Still another, I eh need to work.” I don’t even try to understand it. I am from a background where we were searching for empty bottles and washing them to make money about age eight. Did I state poor work ethic earlier? This is a matter for sociologists.

    I can say with great certainty, that if there is no turnaround in the mindset, there will be a generation of elderly people in terrible shape. A burden on society.

  4. I agree the article we do need higher wages, especially Trades and profesional to create growth, and also to share the Wealth to give the workers a better spending Power..We should equipt the school with well paid Thatchers with this Solution the Children will teach their Parents. ¹Most of our problems starts at home..
    That’s the truth..Thank you for sharing this with us

  5. After all these years that’s the minimum wage grenada gave 9% st.lucia always holding something back let me tell u something people still working for $1000 a month imagine working a whole month as an adult for that with this economy this minimum wage is shit mothers still working and have to go beg , young men will still commit crime because you’ll gave a drop of water just to wet the tongue there is help and there is playing like u helping manipulation smh to much tricks chupzz tan if you’ll doing something do it good stop playing games with the people of this country everyone is excited for what chupzz again tan I said what I said

  6. You’ll spending a $1000 at a restaurant but you’ll want someone to survive on that for a month with kids and bills and saying you’ll made it better no nothing is better if you’ll helping help do come play games with people that crumb you’ll give people you’ll expect it to stop crime because st.lucians hungry and don’t know money I’m not satisfied str88 you’ll could of done better now people getting laid off Wtf only the big business man that’s allowed to eat and nothing for that eh so much injustice in this country huh


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