Despite ongoing challenges, Saint Lucia’s LGBTQI+ community is witnessing tentative signs of societal acceptance, according to the group 758 Pride.
At Friday’s launch of Pride Weekend, members of the organisation, which seeks to empower and end stigmatisation of LGBTQI+ through advocacy and community building, reflected the optimism and a sense of progress.
Monet X Change, panelist and headliner of the “Divas in Helen” drag queen show to be held this Sunday, shared his experience walking through Rodney Bay with his partner.
“It warms my heart to see the growing love and acceptance here,” X Change said.
“And the fact that I was able to walk in Rodney Bay last night with my partner holding hands, and not feeling ashamed or judgement. I just feel like I can be unapologetically myself here,” X Change explained.
Jessica St. Rose, Founder of 758 Pride, acknowledged that while Saint Lucia still has a long way to go to achieve full acceptance, there has been significant.
“Our community members feel sort of safe now.” St. Rose noted. “We see a lot of our members going into public spaces now, Gros Islet street parties and free up themselves. They go to places like carnival, and they are very expressive during carnival.”
Despite these advancements, Saint Lucia’s legal framework remains a significant barrier.
The Criminal Code 2004 criminalises same-sex sexual activity under laws prohibiting ‘buggery’ and ‘gross indecency,’ with penalties of up to ten years’ imprisonment.
St. Rose emphasised that revising these laws to promote inclusivity would represent a significant victory for the LGBTQI+ community.
“St. Lucia is not fully there yet, however we have made a lot of progress and that is a joy for us.”
St. Rose concluded. “When we do get the judgment on the litigation happening right now, I think that will be an even bigger win, and that may very well open the doors for more inclusiveness in society.”
Lots of undercover folks about to get triggered.
Who accept what ? youll doing youall thing an saying people accept youall ? aa youall ppl mad gay is wrong god burn down sodom remember . If youall trying to alow that then best we allow murder to an rape etc
We must stop this abomination in this land these pagans coming to destroy our children.
Fire burn them.
We not to stop this abomination in this land these pagans are destroying our children. Fire 🔥 burn.
Most st Lucians have no issues with LGBTQ+ people and their relationships.
What you do in your bedroom or your life is your business. Gay, Bi or Straight.
The problem arises only when some people try to FORCE their views on other people. Gay, Bi or Straight
So alphabet soup openly defying the law and nothing is being done about it. Want to break the law and get away with it. Come to St. Lucia people.
I think a science experiment should be conducted to validate this. Separate those people totally from people advocating traditional values. Give them their own lands and everything they need to continue to enjoy their lifestyles. Conditions are: zero interaction between traditional valued people and those who practice these new age theories. Second condition is they are allowed to practice their lifestyle exclusively. if you lesbian you stay lesbian until you dead. If you gay, you stay gay until you dead. After that division is created, we come back in 100 years to see which group of humans survive and thrive.
Well we finish in St.lucia. You’ll mistaking tolerance for acceptance.
Lord, help us!
How does this force you to change your sexual preference? If that’s the case then you must be a weak person or already undercover. Did they come to you a force it down your throat? I am a straight person but all of these comments sound like they are trying to force non straight people to accept their views instead. Leave people alone if they are not bothering you.
All manner of abomination going on in our society but you all do not speak out about it.
Who has taught you to hate the LGBTQ+ community? Why is it that the personal lives of people who are otherwise sexually oriented cause so much prickly heat for some down below? Does anyone bother about your heterosexual going one? It’s really eye opening to see the vitriol that is spewed for people who simply want to live their lives in love as they so choose. Mind you, it is typical the religious zealots vomiting up a storm when the LGBTQ+ people want their voices to be heard. Again I ask, who taught you to hate others for who they are? Are they in you bed chamber when they get all worked up, are they in your living room when the heat is on? Interestingly, the editorial said that attitudes are changing gradually and rightly so….is that because people are slowly getting less religious and more tolerant? The reality is like it or not society is changing and rightly so. The LGBTQ+ community are getting their voices heard….to much hate in our society…no wonder we are where we are today… haters can’t stop the tide of what you don’t like with it…. great to hear we are slowly coming around to the idea that people must be allowed to love whom they do choose….no one is getting into your personal heterosexual lives …time to live and let live …the writing is on the wall.
These pagens sleeps around and spreads all types of STDS. We need to stand up our society has enough ills to have these nasty behaviors around.
Lucians should accept and change the laws to allow for gays etc but women can’t even order a sex toy?
I hope nun you’ll hate speakers have Jabal or outside man. You’ll want to preach and skip the bible verse about adultery and fornication (sex out of wedlock). Don’t throw stone in a glass house
not me youall bulling and giving the Mpox, the tall makak trying to bull fellas in smart try again smooth criminals , juso youall want to see fellas start sitting fellas when they passing , or you ll little boy come home after school an say mommy i have a boyfriend like them crazy abroad people with the sodom rising culture , look the sun done start burning their butts 120 degrees climbing sodom repeating there already hotting up their azzz
Work hard for your money yute,Doh….abominable!..Hot coals…sooner than later rodney bay will sink like port royal and Sodom and Gomorrah,these degenerates need to keep their filth behind close doors and stop trying to infiltrate and indoctrinate our society and younger youths minds…..stop battying up our society…..the devil is ten’s of thousands strong and alive but rubuke dem in the name of Jah Rastafari…these folks have made a folly and a mockery of Jesus when they marry two men or two women in the name of Jesus….das why mi nuh falla back pon no religion
@Dale is right – y’all only follow the bible when it comes to non heterosexuals and yet you all have children with multiple partners, are married and yet have numerous “special friends” and think that is OK. Lucians must be the biggest bunch of hypocrites EVER. Limin’ Saturday night and then Church on Sunday. From my observation there is more to be concerned about with heterosexual behaviour on this island than those who don’t prey on you bunch of sleaze bags. So ridiculous and so ignorant. Be tolerant of those who are doing no harm to you. I think that accords more to your “Christian” framework!
We have banned you, yet you keep coming back here. Why can’t you understand that we DO NOT WANT YOU HERE? There are 64 states that have banned you, and Saint Lucia is one of them, yet you continue to come here to promote your agenda.
Let’s address the fact that many believe the entire LGBTQ community is an undercover cult for pedophiles. There have been events where children were present, dancing fully naked in front of adults. Furthermore, you have allowed children in America to explore changing their sexuality, and the term “pedosexual” is even associated with your community. You have previously attempted to promote “transage” before “pedosexual.”
You are a troubling group of people, and anyone who supports you needs to be removed from here IMMEDIATELY. Don’t even try to hide it, as I can provide full evidence.
The days of Noah are here.
Next: Sunday Law, more Christian Persecution, the second coming of Jesus Christ, 1000 years Sabbath in heaven, then Armageddon
REPENT Sinners, JESUS is on his way.
Keep spreading the gospel!
😂😂😂 Ignorance is a terrible thing to suffer from. To those who can’t contain themselves because some of us are talking up for the discrimination and hate of LGBTQ+ people, we’ll get a load of this: you lot are a backward, ignorant, intolerant, myopic, zealot filled religious hypocrites who are just drunk on nihilism taught from an ancient book written by desert sheep, goat and camel herders. Keep spewing nonsense in the meantime, we in society will continue to make progress where it is due, and that is we will continue to give everyone their rights to love whom they do choose….you can’t stop the change that is happening in front your eyes and you are burning with anger….😂😂😂😂 I wonder what some of you would say if slavery was still on the law books because of your black skin. Indeed that was once the case….it was once legal to enslave your ancestors, it was law, it was also supported by the church and the unholy bible you so revere….bunch of hypocrites……wake up and smell the coffee
ORight, we can agree that adultery, fornication, lying, stealing, murdering etc. are all sins, including homsexuality. The fact that all should be condemned is true. However, until I see a pride parade consisting of the adulterers etc., then and only then would I deem others hypocrites for only condemning the gays.
Cwiz your mind is upsided down….for yrs now I’ve suspected you,you an atheist dat love digging septic tanks…..everything ungodly is you…I think every comprehensible reader have overs exactly who you are…..
How about the option of you and every gay person be put on an island with all the finest things in the world,finest foods,finest everything and keep far from every conscious minded and straight ppl…..I know for sure sooner or later you degenerates must go extinct getting lick by diseases or by the simple fact you primates can’t reproduce….disgusting humans.
@ John Public
Here is the idiocy of your opinion, even though you are entitled to it. Making a presuppositions or even a hypothetical statement that putting me and every gay on an island would end in our demise in plain wishful thinking. It ain’t gonna happen. Plain and simple.
The second idiocy of your entitled opinion is that gays will go extinct is another fallacy….there has been gay affection since the dawn of man kind. And here they are today…not extinct but existing amongst me and you….all over the world. So no, gays won’t go extinct any more than heterosexuality will go extinct…
In the meantime, live and burn inside with anger and hatred with the idea that people are free to love whomsoever they so chose. You can’t change the tide of progress.
c-wiz shut up…as u said live and let live…uall will see the results later…none allyuh eh calling politicians now????
@ the results reaping it’s head…
Ordinarily I would ignore your puny attempt at a criticism but sometimes you indignants needs a proper tongue lashing. Let it be known I reserve the right to cut with my tongue when attacked. You obviously ain’t too bright. To suggest that the results will come later when you yourself are not even sure the results will even come or more correctly, you are delusional to think some calamity will befall those who support LGBT+ community. You are simply catching at straws hoping without and beyond hope that some calamity will befall those who support the LGBTQ+ community. Well news flash, your doom and gloom ain’t gonna happen. But keep hoping…that’s all you can fall back on. hope….yet you will hope to the point of hopelessness. Can’t stop the sunami of change.
Why so many dunce lucians in the comments