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Divas Of Helen Drag Queen Show Hailed As A Hit

The Divas of Helen Drag Queen Show, held on Sunday proved to be a resounding success, according to event organisers,  758 Pride.

As part of Pride Weekend celebrations, the show featured performances from five locals, each delivering three distinct acts.

The event had Monet X Change, an Afro-American Saint Lucian known for her “Miss Congeniality” title on RuPaul’s Drag Race, as the headliner.

The cast represented three drag houses: House of Luxury, House of West, and House of Fierce.

Founder of 758 Pride, Jessica St. Rose, told St. Lucia Times the event was almost sold out, with an estimated crowd of around 120.

She disclosed that the night’s performance and show-stoppers stunned the crowd.

Social media videos showed people from the crowd running up to the stage to present money to the performers when they did stunts like flips and death drops.

Jessica St. Rose hoped the event would encourage more LGBTQ members in Saint Lucia to engage in drag and attract talent from across the island.

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  1. Fire 🔥 burn ..a man is a , woman is a woman.. marriage is between man and woman.. repent and give glory to Lord who created heaven and earth…

  2. all the time huricanes missing st lucia is now hurricanes go hit us hard , youall go bring the curse of sodom on us ****

  3. “The harder they come, the harder they fall” They refuse to accept the majority’s opinion on the gay issue.

  4. Event almost sold out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    120 People rates sold out. Like seriously!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I wonder what she would say if the sale numbers was: 220 or 320 or 420 or 520 etc.
    WTF. LMHO (Laughing my Head Off)
    For the topic I cannot use LMAO (Laughing my Ass Off)

  5. @ Adam was made for Eve..

    So what is your explanation for all the hurricane disasters that devastated Saint Lucia in the past? At a time when Saint Lucia was still greatly intolerant to the LGBTQ+ community? Presumably, these hurricanes destroyed Saint Lucia for some other sin that Saint Lucians were committing? Thankfully, the change society is going through can’t be stopped. Time to let people love whomsoever they choose once there is consent. Doom and despair is usually the sentiments of the comments that come out of people who are so fixation on nihilism from a book (the bible) written by a bunch of backward, iron age desert goat and sheep herders. You haters will have to live with the change you can’t accept.

  6. More significantly, Adam and Eve never existed…that nonsense of a talking snake deceiving Eve and then Eve causing Adam to sin is all some misogynistic religious nonsense. By logic and reason (which many don’t seem to have), if Adam and Eve were perfect, with no sin, then why would they make such a disastrous decision to sin by listening to a talking snake…if they were perfect they should have made perfect decisions. Perfection meaning that every action or thought would have been perfect in accordance to their perfect status after being created. But some would say Adam and Eve though perfect had freedom of choice….then I will say if they had freedom to choose, why should god punish them for exercising that freedom of choice? Then they were not free in the first place…. even critically still, if Eve had hold the forbidden fruit in her hand and had not taken a bite she would have not sin, she would still be in her perfect state…so how can someone who was perfect make imperfect decisions or imperfect choices? Perhaps Adam and Eve were not perfect at all in the first place…but this just highlights the nonsense inherent in the story. In any case Adam and Eve never existed, there was no garden of eden, no talking snake, None. These stories crumble under heavy scrutiny. And there is more Jimmy flicks in that story of Adam and Eve but I will hold my tongue cause I know some indignant will take up the cause célèbre to defend stories that are purely just myths.

  7. Is that all the news you people can come up with? Last time visiting here. Maybe the public should follow and boycott this site.

  8. Father, Lord, protect our children, I pray 🙏… What consenting adults do with their lives is between them and their God ( if they have one)… I refuse to make that my issue … May our conscience be our guide in all that we say and do … Amen 🙏

  9. I had no problems with d sodomites and them until they started to potray these atrocities to the children… fire must burn them

  10. The prize for being foolish and smart at the same time goes to C-WIZ! You’ve got to be kidding me! God is real! God is alive! God is good! God is merciful! God is love! This pride thing is nonesense and adds no positive value to our already morally crumbling culture and lifestyle. One that is also rife with OTHER evil doings such as theft, criminality, infidelity, lust, jealousy, intolerance, hate, pedophilia, rape etc. YES, all these are just as sinful as the pride pappy show. We should condemn them ALL equally but pray that these people will change their dutty ways– there is always hope with GOD!

  11. What’s wrong with us in St Lucia moral decay. What good is this behavior contributing to our society. Ass holes are trying to defend this.

  12. If only 120 people showed up what y’all so worried about when there are thousands of low-life out there committing all the other “evil doings” that @George mentions? Oh & he forgot to mention incest, yet another scourge on this island. Clean up all that behaviour as a priority rather than worrying about a few drag queens who exist in every country and guess what heterosexual people in those same countries haven’t all turned Gay!!! Such hilarious & amusing comments on this site.

  13. While I agree with @C-Wiz regarding religious matters. Since there seems to be many Christians on here I have a message for you and it comes from John 8:7-11. No one is perfect not now, not ever. Perfection is only a concept created to give us something to chase after to make us believe that by chasing “perfection” we would have some sense of accomplishment.

    I believe the bigger issue here is that we as a Nation find it easier to accept murder and other crimes as part of our society than the fact that two people could love each other regardless of sexuality and gender. So many of you making this a big problem when there are bigger issues going on. My mother used to always say to me when I was growing up “if you don’t have anything nice to say then don’t say anything at all” and it is quite apparent that a lot of you weren’t taught that.

    It wouldn’t hurt to try and accept someone for being who they are rather than bullying them to be something they are not. Unfortunately I have wasted a lot of time reading the comments under these posts and truth be told it’s only a bunch of ignorant bullies who might be older in age but have the wisdom of a toddler that is on here, but even a toddler knows not to put its hand in fire before it gets burnt. Just the same, some of you need to stay out business that doesn’t concern you. If you are not willing to show genuine support read your news, say nothing, drink your coffee, smoke, drink, do whatever it is you do and move on. Leave these people be, yes they are humans just like you and I and they deserve to be treated the same.

    I have happy and proud to see the LGBTQ+ community taking this step forward from reading the stories and hearing talks of how things was in the not so distant past, this is a big step.

    And before anyone say anything, I am a heterosexual man who is married to woman and I have kids. I know that doesn’t prove anything but I am open minded and logical.

  14. Just pay Choue zort Urll men was in the show somewhere or picked one up after the show Urll are intimidated by the gays shante you stay .

  15. @ George

    I will spare you the intellectual romp whooping just this once ( just not in the mood to waste my brain power teaching you a lesson in response )

    @ Perspective and @ Open Minded and Logical

    Appreciate your stance on the issue at hand. You both are rare voices of reasonin the usual sea of hate that is expressed by the majority on this forum.

    On another note.
    I recently had a conversation with a staunch advocate (a long time friend) for banning LGBTQ+ in society. Suffice it to say, that my friend vehemently expressed her quasi-religious bigotry in her missal. I stood by and listened carefully. She then went on to say that if the LGBTQ+ continues to get there right recognised by law, then the Human race will go extinct eventually. She used this analogy to make her point: imagine, she told me, only LGBTQ+ persons leaving on an island. Within 100 yrs they will go extinct because they can’t reproduce. But an island of heterosexuals will always reproduce maintaining the human race…..that was her twisted logic….I smiled…and then nicely said to her, No, gay people will not go extinct because the the people who are producing LGBTQ+ persons are the heterosexuals. So as long as heterosexuals exist and continue to copulate, the chances of someone being LGBTQ+ will always be there, so you might as well swallow your bigotry cause the change you won’t accept will sweep you like a raging sunami. Why consume yourself with other people’s private lives when your own life simple as it may be could be just as complicated. She did not know what to reply in response, I must add.

    When ignorance, bigotry, hatred, religious zealotry colonises the mind, expect rubbish to spew out. I tell you, the ignorance that exist is ridiculous to say the least.

  16. I would like an honest and mature answer to this question…

    Lets say we forget about religion and God.

    What is the benefit of Homosexuality/queerness to our society or any society? What intrinsic value does the proliferating and championing of it add to our nation? Asking sincerely.

  17. c-wiz always know but still don’t know….Whatever has to be will be….May we prepare to meet our God…

  18. @ Inquisitor

    You asked a very mature question and you deserve an answer. Unlike the few who just spew illogical, unreasonable nothingness. I will now attempt to give you an answer. You will have to accept my apology for this long answer as your question can’t be answered in a few words but I will attempt to keep it short.

    You asked:

    Lets say we forget about religion and God.

    What is the benefit of Homosexuality/queerness to our society or any society? What intrinsic value does the proliferating and championing of it add to our nation? Asking sincerely.

    Firstly. Let’s be honest and mature as you nicely requested. Let us start off by considering god and religion in relation to Saint Lucia. I want to show you that despite Saint Lucia being an overwhelmingly religious country, ( a recent article on this very online newspaper: Saint Lucia Times) just released a census on religious worship which showed that a high percentage of Saint Lucians are following some form of religion despite numbers showing a tiny shift of people who are non believers. The majorly being Roman Catholics ( in the high 80% ). The question is, if religion and by extension God by it’s very nature should produce decent persons or a better society, why is it in a society so religious we have such bad statistics. For example: high gun violence, drug dealing, knife/macheté injuries, poor health indices eg. Saint Lucians suffer from one of the higher diabetic and hypertensive diagnosis in the Eastern Caribbean according to stats, high numbers of poverty, domestic violence, incest ( I believe this is under reported), thieves, minor infractions of the law eg. Uninsured drivers, unlicensed drivers, illegal parking. High levels of road traffic accidents, vehicular thefts, motorcycle deaths and injuries…etc etc….the stats are all there for us to see. Now of course I am aware that some of these infractions are perpetrated by a minority of individuals in relation to law breaking. Yet the question remains, shouldn’t a more religious society have better human socio-politico-psycho-economic outcomes? How long have the churches been established in Saint Lucia? How long have they been praying for a better society? for deliverance by god?.. you hear it all the time..let’s pray for our nation…but if Saint Lucians are religious why are we still faced with those poor human indexed outcomes? Is god not answering the prayers,? is he deaf,?, is he listening but won’t answer? Can he answer but won’t act? Can he act but won’t move a finger to answer prayers of the so called faithful that have been sent up to him in heaven where ever that may be? People incorrectly assume that if god and religion is left out so society then chaos ensues..This is far from the truth. Imagine a child who is born and grows up without even hearing or knowing about god, doesn’t hear about god, never heard about a god in the lifetime but that child is raised to be respectful, treat others with kindness, have principles, can reason a d use logical thinking, that child will definitely be a good citizen simply because they are raised with principle. This proves that it’s not god who makes someone a better person but it’s how a person is raised and good choices they continue to make throughout their lifetime. Of course there are good Christians
    But a child from birth has no knowledge or concept of good or bad, yet as they grow and become self aware, they can acquire concepts of good and bad. In essence we don’t need god to be good…its a conscious decision to be good or bad. Now look at the history of religion and the wars, poverty, slavery it has unleashed on humanity. Today Christianity is docile but it’s history is repleat with all many of inhumane acts….do some research it’s all there to see. if god is that mighty, where are the mouth dropping miracles of today? And I am not talking about someone getting healed from some disease…which often is the case that this sick person had medical surgical intervention in which case skilled doctors and surgeons, along with modern medicine and science was responsible for their healing not god. Notice that the jaw dropping so called miracles or events of the bible eg. Jonah in the belly of the whale, Elijah going up to heaven in a chariot of fire, the crossing of the red sea by Moses and the Israelites, etc etc happened in a time of great ignorance. Vast majority of the people were illiterate and very few could read and write. Why aren’t we seeing these great feats of miracles today? Why isn’t god literally walking and talking to us today like he did with Moses? Interestingly, I asked a religious friend that very question, she said yesterday she talks to god. I asked does god talk to you? She responded yes…so I asked what does god’s voice sound like and what did god say to you? She could not say…. I honestly kid you not. Now that the world is more connected, more knowledgeable and educated..why aren’t these jaw dropping miracles happening? The people who wrote those stories in the fictitious book called the bible lived in a time of great ignorance and superstition. They were goat, sheep and Carmel herders…It was technically the iron age. The greatest technology they had then was swords and chariots to name a few.. The iron age… but equally study their society when they supposedly walked and literally talked with god…what do you get? Stories of wars, diseases, stealing of people’s land, conquests… it’s all there to see…I always say, if moses walked and talked with god, why did god not give him the knowledge of scientific progress like the germ theory or how to perform surgery like we do today, or give moses all the wonderful scientific discoveries we have today….but no god never gave moses or any other ancient bearded men that had to take until the 17th century for the scientific method to be discovered and implemented. Ironically it coincided with a period of critical enquiry into the wonders of the world.. and also interestingly the church had tried to destroy that spirit of enquiry because it feared it would loose it’s grip on the minds of the people. again the history is there to see. I can go on and on .. but I will stop here. So religion by it’s nature should do much more for society since it claims to provide contact with some all powerful god but by the results we see, the results are poor and unimpressive.

    Now on the intrinsic value of proliferating and championing LGBTQ+

    This is a question of fairness, justice, equality and treating people like human beings simply because THEY EXIST. There is no getting away from the fact that LGBTQ have a right to exist because they live amongst us. Is it right to discrimate against a person because of there skin colour or ethnicity? or something more trivial, the shoes that they wear? The point being, discrimination is simply wrong. It was once legal to enslave people for the colour of their skin… Now imagine if this law was still enforced today. People try to use the bible to condemn the LGBTQ community. Yet the bible is filled with death, murder, subjugation of others, oppression. In fact the bible and religion was used to justify the enslavement of our ancestors. Read’s there in the so called holy book…the bible is no moral book. LGBTQ just want to be treated as human beings just like our enslaved ancestors wanted to be treated as human beings. It is just wrong to discrimate. Period. If society has to be functional and every human being is to be effective contributing citizens, then everyone must be allowed to be themselves freely without oppression. That’s how society will be better, when everyone feels accepted and part of a greater whole. So if someone who is LGBTQ, who is oppressed or outcast by society, they can never give of their full potential to that society…that person could have been a great scientist who perhaps could have discovered the cure for cancer or HIV..or they could have been a great inventor but because of oppression they would withdraw themselves from society and we would have lost perhaps a person who could have also help make society better by their contributions to society. Accepting LGBTQ in our society does not make people who are otherwise heterosexual gay. LGBTQ+ is not contagious, it is not a communicable disease, it does not spread and it’s time our society move in the right direction….there is more to add but will stop here.

    Most of the kick backs against LGBTQ+ come from a place of prejudice, ignorance, religious bigotry, hate amongst other things. But isn’t ignorance spreading strife in our society? What about hate, religious bigotry? Now imagine a society where everyone is respected and allowed to be themselves, free from prejudice, hate, ignorance, religious bigotry, doesn’t that society look infinitely better than the one we have now?

    I live you to mull on those words.

  19. @ Crime infested nation.

    Perhaps you would do better if you offered a more in-depth opinion than the poor attempt you made at saying frankly nothing. Simply saying may we prepare to meet our god is just pure laziness. Intellectual dwarfism. It’s like saying crime is an issue..oh well, I can’t do anything about it so leave it to god…

    Yes leave it to god and get ready to wait for an eternity cause a response won’t be coming.

  20. @Inquisitor September 4, 2024 At 8:03 pm

    How about they world conduct a science experiment to validate this? Separate those people totally from people advocating traditional values. Give them their own lands and everything they need to continue to enjoy their lifestyles. Conditions are: zero interaction between traditional valued people and those who practice these new age theories. Second condition is they are allowed to practice their lifestyle exclusively. if you lesbian you stay lesbian until you dead. If you gay, you stay gay until you dead. After that division is created, we come back in 100 years to see which group of humans survive and thrive.

  21. Inquisitor we all know they have no benefit to the species while while engaging in that behaviour. They know that as well. To exist on this planet knowing full well you have no use to the human race really is something. Every one of them emerged from a heterosexual interaction. Talk about useless eaters. Let’s hope this dies with their DNA

  22. C-Wiz you sure know how to type a lot without addressing the actual question. Stop with the red herring nonsense.

  23. @ James

    Trying saying or contributing something worthwhile. Perhaps it would be more constructive if you said something remotely sensible.

  24. They want to encourage drag participation and are looking for drag talents in St Lucia……. I didn’t even know drag was a lucrative thing. I always thought it was just a hobby gays participated in.


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