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Pierre Receives Crime-Fighting Strategy From New CoP (Ag)

Prime Minister Phillip J Pierre, the Minister for Justice and National Security, has confirmed receiving a crime-fighting strategy from the new Acting Commissioner of Police (CoP), Verne Garde.

Garde’s appointment is initially for six months.

“This morning I wish to inform you that I have received from the acting commissioner of police, the police force crime prevention strategy for the period September to March 3, 2025,” Pierre announced at Monday’s regular pre-cabinet press briefing.

“I have just received it and I will be going through it and having a discussion with the commissioner of police and the high command on the strategy,” the prime minister said while holding up the document.

“Having said so and as we deal with that strategy I want to say to all those concerned that we should watch the rhetoric as it comes to crime,” Pierre stated.

According to the prime minister, the society appears to be creating a level of animosity, distrust, and anger, which does not auger well for the country.

He declared that the battle against crime requires everyone’s involvement.

“There is no need for us to create an increased level of animosity or hatred for our own personal reasons,” Pierre asserted.

“We have to have a united effort. We have to try by our words not to appear to be looking for any excuses for criminality,” the prime minister told the press briefing.

“We should never seem by our utterance to be giving any excuse for wanton criminality, there is absolutely no excuse for it,” Pierre stressed.

He highlighted some social intervention programs the government had undertaken, including the SEEDS project, the SSDF’s ACT project, and the semi-professional football league.

“We have the football league where we are using sports as a mean of seeing if we can combat this wanton violence in the country. But each one of us must play our part, and I want to urge that the rhetoric diminish, the rhetoric of hatred, the rhetoric of revenge, the rhetoric of going after people, the rhetoric of personal attacks…that does not auger well for our society,” Pierre emphasised.

The prime minister also called for personal responsibility to stem the tide of vehicular accidents, many of which have resulted in serious injuries and the loss of lives.

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  1. Other than parents taking a more active role in their kids lives, persons giving information to the police and law abiding citizen continuing to do what is right, what else are you asking from us?

    We keep seeing our leaders ignoring our plight while enriching themselves. We keep seeing the government not taking strong action against criminals. We keep seeing the police force not doing their jobs and apprehending criminals. We keep seeing more and more victims of criminal activity live their daily lives in fear.

    All this Prime Minister is doing is making excuses after excuses in a bid to survive until the next elections. What is the point of this new crime fighting strategy, if its only going to be tabled and forgotten. What happened to all of the suggestions from the town meetings and all of the crime symposiums????

  2. I would love to be a fly on the wall to see the security plan. As someone not versed in the field, I don’t expect Pierre to ask the critical questions. He is smart enough to ask some questions, but he doesn’t have the experience or background to plumb security plans in a meaningful way. He thinks he does. People spend years at school, and many times with experience to earn degrees in the field.

    So what happened to the first plan presented to him when he first assumed office? It was a bust. It did not pass the initial rigor required to be successful. See where this is going already?

    Any attritional security plan that doesn’t make allowance for ending bail to gunmen is most likely to fail. Any security plan that doesn’t include expansion of holding facilities is likely to fail. The short-term solution can not be achieved cheaply. Sorry, there are no malaway plans in this business. It’s time to put the security tax money in motion. Time to end the carnage.

  3. St. Lucia has become a haven for lawbreakers. When Tom sees Dick get away with breaking the law and skirting the rules,; why should Tom take the harder route and follow the rules? No matter how big or small, laws should be enforced. Police should not turn a blind eye to any infraction. Start there.

  4. Can you enlighten the public if it is a blank piece of paper handed over just to keep civil society calm or just a thank you note. I’m sick of you people lies and falsehood behavior + misleading information. Heading a correctional facility is way different from when criminals are on the loose.

  5. Clean up your capital morons. It is littered with ghettos and block of useless thieves and miscreants. The Capital sets the tone for the rest of the country.

  6. That plan fail already, hate to be the bearer of bad news, you’ll know who seats in cabinet 😱😱🫣🫣…….. when my pm discusses it with his cabinet……

    ..meanwhile kibwi bring the lady breadfruit back for her , I see she light the coal pot my g …..

  7. Slaves of the 🐍 powerful
    Is Pierre whose heart is free from evil 😈 desires,is the watchman of St Lucians who commits acts that love evil or should be blame or take responsibilities for their miss conduct ❓
    Now call for the wailing mothers..put on the sackcloth and rool in the dust, for the worst not yet to come..
    Ah !
    The word of God is not with us since the begining of creation and the foundation of the earth ?
    We have turn our backs on God and not his face..
    Therefore our protection are all gone ? Jesus !!


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