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Julien Alfred Arrives Home To Rapturous Welcome

On Tuesday, double Olympic medallist Julien Alfred stepped off an aircraft into bright sunshine and a warm, rapturous welcome at Hewanorra International Airport.

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre, other government members and Saint Lucia Olympic Committee personnel were among the official welcoming party.

An emotional Julien told the official welcome ceremony in brief remarks that she was at a loss for words.

“I don’t want to get emotional, but today I really want to give thanks,” she stated to spontaneous applause.

She mentioned the people who had supported her, her village, her family, her mother, the Saint Lucia Government, her coach Edrick Floréal, who could not be present for Tuesday’s event, the University of Texas, and Cuthbert ‘Twatiné’ Modeste.

Julien recalled that Modeste, whom she later warmly embraced after exiting the VIP lounge, took an interest in her at a very tender age.

Julien embraces Twa Ti Nez

“Even when I gave up, he came back to look for me in Ciceron,” the Paris 2024 100m champion and 200m silver medallist stated.

“So many people have guided me and helped me to get to this point and and I really just want to say thank you to all of you, even those I haven’t mentioned. I just want to say thank you,” she stated.

“I have dreamt of this day for such a long time – just being an inspiration to the youth of Saint Lucia, wanting to give back and wanting to inspire them so we can have many more Levern Spencers and many more Daren Sammys and many more like myself,” she said.

Nevertheless, Alfred explained that success did not come easy.

“It was truly a rocky road. Many days I wanted to just give up, throw in the towel and just say, ‘I’m done’. But my village, those persons who were around me, I just want to say thank you for just everything you have done for me. I really appreciate it,” she said to more applause.

Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre told the brief ceremony that it was a day for celebration and reflection.

He urged Saint Lucians to turn out in large numbers for the events planned to celebrate Alfred’s achievements.

He also paid tribute to Julien’s mother, family, and coaches.

The PM asserted that Alfred’s athletic prowess was a reminder that the potential for excellence is very much alive in Saint Lucia.

“Julien’s recent achievements at the Olympic Games transcend sports. They have been a source of inspiration to all Saint Lucians, especially our youth,” Pierre noted.

He observed that through dedication, hard work and self-belief, “we can be among the best in the world”.

Youth Development and Sports Minister Kenson Casimir, who was also among those who spoke, asserted that God has really blessed the nation.

Casimir observed that Saint Lucia is the only nation named after a woman.

“And it is a woman that has taken us to the pinnacle of the entire globe,” he stated.

“We are blessed because we have the perfect representative of a Saint Lucian taking us to that level. Somebody who is kind. Somebody who loves people, somebody who is generous and humble. That person is Julien Alfred,” Casimir told Tuesday’s welcoming ceremony.

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  1. A very fine athlete and a fine young woman. An example to all – not just for her sporting prowess but in her gratitude and willingness to give back. Well done and welcome home Julien Alfred!

  2. I love the fact that she is genuinely kind which showed all throughout the parade. She is so sweet and beautiful. Girl you are loved down here, people were running towards you with their children. The only other time ppl did this although not in St. Lucia was for Princess Diana!

  3. Among her many accomplishments are getting the roads along the route for the motorcade repaired, no more potholes!

  4. Congratulations on all your success …the respect is there . The fact that you acknowledged Jamaica that contributed to your development shows your honesty . Perhaps more Lucian athletes can come to Jamaica sprint factory until St. Lucia gets serious and start investing in the much needed infrastructure to develop their own athletes …the talent is there .


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