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Chastanet Lauds Government Over Julien Alfred Accolades

Opposition leader Allen Chastanet has lauded the Philip J. Pierre administration over the accolades bestowed on double Olympic medallist, Julien Alfred.

“I have to congratulate the government for making her a Tourism Ambassador, for the renaming of the Millennium Highway and for agreeing to put the statue for her. Full support. Big up for that initiative!” Chastanet declared in a Facebook video Saturday.

“With the new road coming in, the entranceway to the north, there’s nothing more fitting for Julien and also for the country,” the United Workers Party (UWP) leader stated.

The former Tourism Minister referred to the Saint Lucia tourism tagline – ‘Let Her Inspire You.’

He said it was great that Saint Lucia’s first Olympic Gold medallist is a woman.

The former Prime Minister expressed confidence that Alfred would inspire many Saint Lucians and, hopefully, the world to visit Saint Lucia, which boasts many hidden secrets, gems, and little nuggets that make the Island different.

On Friday night, Prime Minister Pierre announced a one million dollar government award to Alfred to cheers and applause from a crowd at a free celebratory concert at the Daren Sammy Cricket Ground.

He also announced renaming Millennium Highway after the star athlete and erecting a monument in her honor at the new Cul de Sac Roundabout.

In addition, Pierre announced plans for an official Julien Alfred stamp, a gift of land measuring 10,720 square feet of her choice, and a commemorative exercise book with photos.

PHOTO: Stock image.

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  1. I applaud you Chas for putting politics aside and saying it like it is. Julien has done her share of uniting this country, even for a little while.

  2. A moment come true !!! Good move Chas….amen on that. A positive move feedback . I advise that you continue when you see merit not only criticisms…
    Demonstrate leadership …

  3. Thank you Mr.Chastanet, for being ONE with our country, . No criticism for first time that I can remember.
    I respect you more.

  4. Mr Chastanet I have no doubts that your gracious comments have boosted your chances of being re elected.
    Well said.

  5. Lesson learnt I hope. Her $200 monthly stipend was revoked. Now she’s getting millions. Can’t keep a good man/ woman down.


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