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Saint Lucian Boxer Wins English Fight

Saint Lucian amateur boxer Marvin ‘The Artist’ Anthony earned a big win on the weekend in England, prevailing over Dean Amu Siame, unbeaten as a middleweight champion but stepping up to 75kg to fight the former track athlete.

The contest was at the PRYZM Kingston London, a White Collar Boxing event.

Anthony had won previously on an Undisputed Sports Promotions card in June in June, at the Tabernacle in London, a unanimous decision over Romanian boxer Alex Vanta.

This time, it was a thunderous right hook leading to a second-round TKO that earned a win for ‘The Artist’.

Following the win, Anthony said that although he is redirecting his passion to developing up-and-coming young boxers, he still has some fight in him, if only he can muster up the financial support needed.

“I would like to continue boxing; I can’t box forever,” he explained. “I am focusing on personal training and coaching.

“At age 34 now I tried, going through all the boxing hurdles, the politics, it’s a long journey. You must have youth on your side. I’ll try bringing the next crop of boxers up now, starting with the youngsters. But I would love it if I could manage to keep boxing as well.”

Anthony, who trains with Tony Velinor at Ringtone Boxing Gym, is considering a possible bout in November. “Still pressing on the gas,” he said.

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  1. Wonderful story, well true story that is. Keep pressing on young man, I admire your motivation and you looking out for the next crop of boxers.


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