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Man Injured, Arrested After Confrontation With Police In Dennery

Police have confirmed that one man sustained injuries in a confrontation as they engaged a motorcar with five occupants at Aux Lyons, Dennery, on Saturday.

The incident occurred at about 8:40 pm.

According to the police, the man was shot as he attempted to evade arrest during the confrontation.

Officers arrested him after he received medical care at the Dennery Hospital.

As a result of the Dennery encounter, the police recovered a Glock 34 equipped with a selector switch, allowing it to discharge rounds in rapid succession.

There are no further details at this time.

(Story updated)

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  1. The police is wasting government property, in this case, ammunition. Over to you, the ‘enablers of the perpetrators’, aka ‘human rights lawyers’.

  2. We need to get those cockroaches off the streets . They refuse to go and work for 6:52 an hour . Its fast money that they are after with their bad mind . Do not give him bail also hope he get 20 years without parole as we never know how many people that he has killed . We need to see his picture ….

  3. The system is so weird….here we have police putting their lives at risk doing their job, removing cockroaches off the streets and as we speak there are people who are getting paid to get them back on the streets..aka lawyers! …in crime infested nation! This doesn’t add up, I think some lawyers need to go to jail too for aiding and abetting!

  4. @George – it’s the greed of these enabling lawyers – let them keep it up – Karma knows our names and addresses for sure. We will all reap as we have sowed…..

    In addition, I am not sure what the protocols are in St. Lucia, however; I work in healthcare and we are required by law to call the police when anyone shows up at the hospital with a gun shot wound/stabbing or anything deemed suspicious.


  6. Some of you are extremely disrespectful of law enforcement. I know that you are only 238 square miles and most of you know each other. However, you are to respect the office which an individual holds and law enforcement are put in place to uphold the laws of the land. I saw a video where some Lucians were literally intervening in an arrest by shoving the officer…try that in the US???????

    All I can say is – most of you Lucians with such disrespect and bad behavior will only survive in St. Lucia. Do yourself a huge favor and remain in St. Lucia as some of you will not survive any place else on planet earth…for real.


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