Saint Lucia’s Labour Commissioner has penned a letter requiring 1st National Bank employees who participated in protests last week to return to work on Monday.
Mr. Joseph Joseph addressed the October 11, 2024, letter to National Workers Union (NWU) Secretary General Johann Harewood.
The document noted that while there was no resolution, a meeting, including the Minister of Labour, is tentatively scheduled for October 29.
According to a spokesperson, the 1st National Bank employee protests were over “increment adjustments” related to an agreement after the financial institution acquired the RBC.
Protesters expressed frustration over the Bank’s alleged decision not to fulfill its commitment to compensate staff for an increased workload.
Former Economic Development Minister Guy Joseph voiced his support for the protesting workers during an opposition United Workers Party Town Hall meeting in Vieux Fort South, emphasising the importance of fair pay.
“I want the workers of the Bank to know that we stand with them for their rights to fair pay. We cannot allow the workers of this country to continue to suffer!” Joseph, the first deputy leader of the opposition United Workers Party (UWP), stated.
Prime Minister Philip J. Pierre referred to the 1st National Bank situation at Monday’s regular pre-cabinet press briefing, stating his concern over any instability in the financial system.
Pierre called on all parties involved to return to the bargaining table.
He also intended to speak with the Bank’s Chairman and the labour commissioner to facilitate a resolution.
“The government has no shareholdings in the 1st National Bank, but as Minister of Finance, the climate of the financial system is important to me,” Pierre stated, adding, “I have not been briefed on the issues because a bank is a purely private entity, but I will be making a call to the Chairman of the Bank to ask him his side of the story. I will also be calling the Labour Commissioner later today, but I hope that good sense prevails, and the workers return to work as soon as possible, and that would have to be the responsibility of management to get together with the workers so that we can end up with a win-win situation.”
In addition to the protests, a petition titled “Rescind 1st National Bank’s nomination for both Awards at the 2024 ECCU Bank Awards. THEY NEED TO TREAT STAFF AND CUSTOMERS BETTER!” has gained traction online, reaching 326 signatures, or 94% of its goal, as of the time of publishing this report.
(Story updated)
So Pierre is calling the bank to find out their side of the story but does not intend to speak to the worker’s representative. Is the SLP still the party of the workers?
Is the SLP still the party of the workers? Pierre is going to speak to the bank but not the worker’s representative? George Charles must be turning in his grave. And to add to that he is only concerned about the financial stability of the banking sector, what about the financial stability of the workers?
Nonsense response by the Prime Minister Pierre. If it was an election year you would sing a different tune. You know fully well that the Bank’s Board comprises YOUR MAYOR OF CASTRIES, YOUR CABINET SECRETARY, ONE OF THE PERSONS ON THE SLP BOARD, ONE SENATOR so stop with your nonsense putting the blame on the staff. If someone was bullying your daughter the way the bank is bullying their staff you would not like it. Tell the SLP heavy board to pay the staff what is due to them. And tell you mayor stop abusing her power and using City Police to intimidate staff. I regret voting for you!
Where is the Union in all of this? Why, upon receipt of this letter, have they not said anything? Did they lead the workers to the slaughter?
Mr. Pierre I hope you do right by these employees and this does not become another political favour. This matter has already prolonged for over 2 years. The bank has disregarded every correspondence so far leaving the staff feeling disrespected. It’s high time politicians stand up for what is right in terms of workers in this country.
Your response time us questionable as it came the day after Mr. Guy Joseph spoke on the matter on a UWP podium. I suggest that you make an unbiased decision in this matter being fair to both parties.
Whoever is responsible for operations at this bank, I stand with you if you ever decide to zero my mortgage out of spite for the disrespect ful you have been treated.
Conflict of interest at it’s highest. ECCB needs to step in,at this point it can no longer be a coincidence, numerous lawsuits, a detailed letter from a former corporate secretary ,multiple members of senior management being made redundant. When will it stop??? I applaude the staff who have and continue to be diplomatic and have not turned this into a Martinique situation when really and truly it would be warranted.
How much more ???
Gasa you commenting with three different fake names just to say the same thing within two to three minutes of each other come on brainy LMAO. Desperation is a hell of a thing eh
Sign the petition
@Tony, very good observation. That is exactly what I wanted to state. Idiots always think they can fool everybody else.
@Pay them what y’all owe, it looks like real sour grapes for you. Why didn’t you mention the top man whose family run the union.
For those talking about Pierre not saying he will talk with the Union, has the Union itself made any comment about the action? Has it taken responsibility for having the workers out? Why has it been so silent?
So who is the slave master now … who is treating the people like slaves … yes-uh, with a prime minister who “looks like me” … un-hun, massa days alive and well …. “Black Lives Matter” – really? 🤔
While you are at it Mr PM. Where is the labour Tribunal? How can our people be treated fairly when there is no labour Tribunal? Who will enforce the minimum wage? Don’t show the same lack of concern as the Labour Minister.
I see a member of the bank’s senior management also has a post with the trade unions. What BULLSHIT is this. And everyone is just going to skate over this.. to workers you’ll have my full support. Hold them by their balls and sit down……………..
A drowning man will catch a straw to save his life, that’s the UWP. Why you’ll don’t pressure the union for the workers and if they don’t do anything then you attack the government. You all sound like desperate unintelligent a**holes
I believe that they want the workers to work for 6:52 an hour….