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French Authorities Seize Over 200 Kilos Of Cocaine In Container From Martinique


French authorities this week seized 232 kilos of cocaine in a waste container arriving from Fort de France, Martinique.

A joint operation involving Customs and Police officers discovered the cocaine concealed in waste shipped for recycling.

According to local reports, officers arrested two men, aged 27 and 29, who went to clear the container at the port in Loire-Atlantique on the Atlantic coast of western France.

The online publication France-Antilles reported that in October 2021 and January 2022, ten defendants, including four dockers at the Montoir port in France, were sentenced to four to ten years in jail for importing cocaine in containers from the West Indies.

And at the end of May, the French customs services also intercepted a shipment of 364 kg of cocaine.

The cocaine was in containers at the port of Montoir.

Headline photo: Stock image




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  1. Maybe the French will deliver us as student nurses of SALCC from the mental hurt that is being induced from the administration of the department of nursing. I am optimistic .

  2. With St Lucia they make a big scene & make calls for their associates not to come & clear the barrels if something is found…See how the French waited for the guys to
    Come & clear it?


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