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Man Gunned Down In Gros Islet


Police are investigating the fatal shooting of a man in Beausejour, Gros Islet, at about midnight Sunday night.

According to reports, the deceased and a woman were in a vehicle near the tennis court when shooters opened fire.

The reports indicate that the man died at the scene while the woman escaped unscathed.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. Yep. Too much cheating by men and women goes on in St Lucia. And look what happens people, you hurt each other, and some pay with their lives. Is it really worth it?!

  2. wow…Was that a set up. Life is worth mre than a moment of pleasure. Men shun that woman, she is cursed.

  3. Dumbest comment. Could it not be that this person was involved in a previous shady deal and he got what was coming to him because this was the opportune moment for the shooter? So now it’s only women who are cheating that can sit in a car with a man at night. Smh.

  4. The possibilities are endless. Mindless random speculations won’t change the facts. Upgrade your school of thoughts and assist with the investigations if you have something of value to add.

  5. Mike the guy has a point, it could of been out of jeaslousy. Spouses have gotten killed especially in the US just for cheating you must see it on both sides first.

  6. Bruh At that time, like neither one have a house mun! look the padna gone and get killed for a poosie who live to take more… men in lucia think with your brain and not your dek

  7. Gassa, you fighting a losing battle. Don’t forget that you are in Lilliput. Small brains for sure…bottom feeders gorging on yo dit, de devil and other mindless contrivances.


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