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Saint Lucia Developing Sustainable Road Transport Plan


The Ministry of Infrastructure, Ports, Transport, Physical Development and Urban Renewal, in collaboration with the Caribbean Development Bank has embarked on the development of a Sustainable Road Transport Plan for St. Lucia.

This plan includes field studies within the country aimed at taking a closer look at the main challenges to the delivery of quality and efficient public transport services within the sector.

The studies will examine options for achieving sustainable public transport system with a view of reducing environmental, social and economic impacts, including greenhouse gas mitigation, improving resilience to natural disasters and mitigating health and safety risks in order to build a safer, healthier, more reliable, affordable and responsive society.

Coming out of the public consultation, recommendations will be made for an action plan for improvement of Saint Lucia’s public transportation sector.

The public is encouraged to be part of this Sustainable Road Transport Plan by participating in this online Survey.

Access the survey via this link:

SOURCE: Department of Infrastructure. Headline photo: Stock image.

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  1. Is there any sustainable road transportation plan to liberate our student nurses at salcc from the unhealthy hands of the nursing department administration? When will we be delivered?

  2. These persons with all these Plans don’t feel the Pain of purchasing Suspension parts and Replacing Damage Tires Because of Terrible Road Conditions in St.Lucia.It will take Government about 15years to Repair Bad Roads in St.Lucia .The Roads cannot be Patched anymore Is Resurfacing the Roads

  3. The key word here is sustainable, question what is one of the points that is imbedded in the sustainable development goals of the united nations that has to do with clean air and energy? In other words they are basically telling st.lucians that they are about to enforce one of the UN’s sustainable development goals which is to complete remove every combustion engine vehicle within the world and even st.lucia and to replace these vehicles with electric vehicles. And the quote unquote war in Ukraine was just the diversion they needed in order to force the entire world into this satanic green agenda that’s what this is all about. Open your eyes do not be deceived in these last days.

  4. ummm werent people already trying to go green way before this war in russia? and besides there are hybrid vehicles you dont have to buy an all electric vehicle all big vehicle companies have full electric or hybrid which is combustion and electric vehicles in their line up.

  5. @student nurse. This week you have been pretty manic. Your compulsive postings on non-related matters has been observed by many. Despite being given remedies to fix your apparent problem, you persist with your behavior. There are great pharmaceutical products that will assist you. Try a medical doctor for help.

  6. In the first place … The CDB are already laughing at SLU’s crude and outdated transportation system.

    SLU should never have allowed a private transportation system to “develop”. A reliable NATIONAL bus service should have been introduced more than 50 years ago.

    Then we would not be spending $$ on SOME “inept bus drivers” whose social skills are questionable, no driving skills, and the list goes on.

    I sincerely hope the CDB recommends that SLU introduces a NATIONAL BUS SERVICE.


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