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Two People Injured In Bisee Drive-By Shooting


On Friday night, two people sustained injuries in a drive-by shooting in Bisee, Castries.

According to reports, the incident happened at about 11:30 pm as the two victims sat near the road.

Both men were transported to the OKEU Hospital.

There are no further details at present.

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  1. A major storm is coming for the islands in the first week of november. Make sure you are prepared.

  2. Gúve the youtes a minimum wage so they can go and work or else crime will never stop as it is the two political parties that is responsible for the crime when a man has to work 16 hours to earn 48 dollars what can that do for him

  3. Have you seen the minimum wage rates? It’s not only that but you would be very silly not not admit that many young people have no intention of working, they’d rather sell their bodies or commit petty crimes and more for cash.

  4. St. Lucia Times, I hope you are noting the IP address of this person or people and where they/them posting from. AND sending to the cops and PM and hopefully they send to RSS and FBI and Interpol and everybody.

  5. Yo relax, I am a law abiding citizen and I do not promote negativity. I was talking about an actual hurricane in the area near the islands.

  6. looooool oye de man mention storm yall want to call fbi on de man as if he say he go bomb the place.


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