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NPA President Says Arrest Made In Recent Attacks On Students


The President of the National Principals’ Association has disclosed that police arrested and charged a young man with recent attacks on students in Castries.

Valerie St. Helene-Henry recalled that students on their way to or from schools in the Sunbilt-Entrepot area had come under attack and were forced to hand over valuables, including mobile telephones and money.

St. Helene-Henry said some of the students had been assaulted.

“One individual has been arrested by the police and has been charged,” the NPA President revealed.

She lauded the police for being very active, patrolling where the attacks occurred, and working with the victims’ schools.

“I suppose with the adequate information from the victims, the police were able to make an arrest,” St. Helene-Henry told St Lucia Times.

Headline photo: Stock image


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  1. Make an example of that culprit – that it be known that all future miscreants will think again before trying this again: jail that bad Apple before he gets real rotten; & may God help him Amen.


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