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Primary Health Care Nurses Undergo ‘Quality Of Care’ Training


by Fernelle Neptune, Ministry of Health

The Project Implementation Unit within the Ministry of Health, Wellness and Elderly Affairs is working to ensure the successful implementation of Performance Based Financing (PBF) at primary health care facilities, following a recent training session on the development of a “Quality of Care” programme for diabetes and hypertension.

Performance Based Financing, which will be piloted in 17 primary health care facilities is expected to improve the management of non-communicable diseases.

Consultant for Health Quality at the World Bank, Dr. Ben Chan, said performance-based financing is an effective approach to ensure that there is more screening and treatment of patients for diabetes and hypertension at the various primary health care facilities.

He added that the training sessions help set a path for better outcomes as it relates to individuals accessing screening and treatment for diabetes and hypertension.

Principal Nursing Supervisor, Julietta Frederick-Cassius, said she is pleased with the training as it provides the opportunity to assess what currently exists, identify gaps, and improve the delivery of diabetes and hypertension-related services to clients at primary health care facilities.

Primary health nursing supervisors and front-line nurses who participated in the design and development of the “Quality of Care” programme are expected to share the information acquired from the training to others members of the primary health care team.

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  1. All medical professionals in St Lucia need primary care training in mental health ie ALL its many and varied forms. There are many people with psychotic conditions in St Lucia who do not get the required services. Broader and holistic treatment is needed than only prescribing medication; individual developed rehabilitation programs, support networks; medical, family and community, as well as non religious based counselling by a professionally qualified psychologist for underlying behavioural issues. Mental health is not only about depression or suicidal thoughts due to the pandemic/economy/relationships. There are long standing mental health conditions which have NEVER been dealt with appropriately in this country.

  2. @Holistic are spot on with your comment. I really don’t understand how St. Lucia in this century has not yet come to terms with the mechanism for dealing with mental health issues which is plaguing the entire island from north to south.

  3. We are not serious about health care in this country. When we have hundreds of doctors just sitting at home for years awaiting a chance of internship because our leaders do not have the foresight to increase the intake for internships resulting in eventual brain drain how can we be serious about health care? When we have nurses leaving and very soon these same junior doctors who can’t get internships how can we be serious about Healthcare. St lucia is the pits right now thanks to a clueless government.

  4. Not only this Government, none of the previous Governments have done anything to apply an overall approach to health care are on the island either. It’s why we are where we are with poor health services.

  5. It should not involve religion ie imposing a belief system onto someone who is vulnerable and may already have another form of belief. Unless you are suggesting that if someone has a belief then a counsellor (trained) from that faith or philosophical base can be part of the program?


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