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Eyewitness Speaks After Dennery Shooting, Says Teenager Among The Injured


An eyewitness has been recounting a shooting incident at Dennery on Thursday night, which resulted in injuries to several individuals.

The eyewitness, who requested anonymity, recalled that after 9:00 pm, a karaoke session was in full swing at a club in White Rock.

“The karaoke was going so sweet and nice. The guy was singing and all of a sudden I just hear shots bursting and people started running everywhere,” the Dennery resident told St Lucia Times.

“Nobody don’t see who do that,” he explained.

According to him, four people sustained injuries.

“A guy get three shots, a guy get one in his arm and a girl got shot in her backside and a boy get shot in his finger,” the eyewitness disclosed.

He said the youngster, who appeared to be about sixteen or seventeen years of age, was sitting on a balcony when he was shot.

The eyewitness said all the injured individuals were transported to the hospital.

The Dennery resident said Thursday night’s gun violence had left him afraid and hesitant about leaving home at night amid the holiday season when people usually go out to enjoy themselves.

Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. If was a police Shooting The police officers Names .Rank and Photos would be all over Social Media .There must be a History to that Shooting .St.Lucians have no Respect for the Police but they have General Respect for the So called Criminals..The eye Witnesses quick to say they never saw who Did the Shooting There’s a Hot line 555 where Persons can call and no name nor phone numbers will be taken .I hope the police Receive information to deal with that Incident

  2. Lucians you all have alot more crying to do you all never see anything but you all seeing the police. You all better make friends with the criminals

  3. The way it looking nowadays is like night time is for Bad Boys & Police…Such a shame what the “Helen” has become SMH!!!


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