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Marchand Main Road Rehabilitation Scheduled For Completion This Week


The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport wishes to inform the general and motoring public that completion of the rehabilitation of the Marchand Main road is scheduled for Tuesday 6th December, 2022.

These works will include the placement of the final layer of asphalt.

As a result, the Marchand Main Road will be closed to motorists throughout the duration.

Access through Rockhall will be permitted, but  the public is advised to utilize alternative routes to avoid delay.

There is a possibility of the works continuing into Wednesday 7th December, 2022.

 The Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport regrets any inconveniences caused as a result of the upcoming works.

SOURCE: Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Transport. Headline photo: Stock image

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  1. So it looks like machard is the only road the needs attention just a few months ago they repaved the whole stretch of road so what happen to the other communities and highways that need this attention, something is very wrong with this government

  2. The road was already completed back in August!!!

    However, the contractor did a very poor job and pot holes appeared literally days later. To save face, the government lied and said that the works were not complete when people started to complain. The contractor had already pulled off all equipment from the site since the work was finished and every now and then, potholing works were being done by the government to patch his shoddy work.

    Right now, it’s another set work to repair the poorly resurfaced road that’s taking place. In other words, two sets of money is being paid to do one job. This is ridiculous. They really think people are stupid. I know a thing or two about road works. I worked on the Castries to Gros Islet Highway years ago.


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