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Vendors, CCC Commit To Improving Vending In Castries


Castries Mayor Geraldine Lendor-Gabriel concluded a recent tour of vending operations along William Peter Boulevard, disclosing that Boulevard vendors and the Castries Constituency Council (CCC) had committed to collaborating to improve vending in the area.

Boulevard Vendors’ Committee members accompanied the Mayor and key CCC personnel on tour.

The Mayor said the objective was to assist vending with due regard for safety while considering the interests of various stakeholders.

“The vendors had provided the level of discipline and leadership required to address this particular situation,” Lendor-Gabriel observed.

“They organised themselves into a group working alongside the CCC to formalise vending arrangements and rules and guidelines for vending,” the Mayor noted.

“There was a recognition by all parties that this is not an easy situation, as balancing the needs of all stakeholders will require understanding as well as compromise,” she said.

However, the Castries Mayor told St Lucia Times all parties hope that with continued engagement, dialogue, and improvements over time, vending within the Boulevard could take place with due regard to aesthetics as well as the safety and well-being of all.

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  1. Because of these vendors on the side of blue coral, dominos etc People are forced to walk on the road due to heavy traffic of people stopping in the walkway. Move them people from there please.

  2. St Lucia is a joke. The focus was on protecting the victory so vendors were allowed to sell any and everywhere.
    Now that decision is coming back to bite y”all in the A$$.

  3. Under the CDC in front the marketing board. It is only a matter of time before a vehicle runs over a pedestrian who is forced to walk along the road because vendors occupy both side walks. Only in St. Lucia you see vehicles using sidewalks and pedestrians occupying roads. This place really is a jungle masquerading as a country

  4. Ms. Mayor, you cannot resolve this nightmare in the city by trying to accommodate it at the same time. You need to dismantle it, then clean up the streets, sidewalks and drains. Send the gamblers and loiterers packing, get ride of the alcoholics and vagrants on Jeremie Street, then sanitize the whole area to get rid of the stench of urine and other unhealthy odours. This is the capital city but it more looks like a giant ghetto waiting to explode. Stop putting up with the same practices that have contributed to Castries losing its beauty and image. You want to do something to improve matters do not put a band aid on what is there right now, dismantle it.

  5. Ms. Lendor when are you going to meet with one of your major stakeholders. The residents of the city. There are things we want too. If we don’t get it we voted your backsides out. Just like Pitonson Francis out of a job now, you will be.

  6. Castries is already and unsightly mess … and the CCC is enabling such chaos!!

    One vendor started it all – and the rest came running, and now there doesn’t seem to be “solution”.

    Here is a solution Madam Mayor and Mr Fredericfk: Make the Wm Peter Boulevard into a “Vendor’s Paradise” WITH rules and regulations regarding aesthetics. Get “planning designers” to map out a wholly pleasing and tidy sight for the vendors (please NO huts!!) and shoppers alike.

    As for parking – there are enough parking areas in Castries, including the Conway Car Park which is cheaper and safer to use.


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