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WATCH: Social Component Of The Soufriere 2040 Development Plan Launched


The 20-year development plan for Soufriere Continues.

Recently the Soufriere Regional Development Foundation in Collaboration with the Ministry of Equity, Social Justice, and Empowerment launched the social component of the Soufriere 2040 development plan.

More from Jeannive Gonzague.

 SOURCE: Soufriere Regional Development Foundation

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  1. We need a detailed account before anything else. Don’ t give us a Christmas surprise with verbal, political nonsense wrapped with smiles and hidden agendas; before talking of 2040 please tell us of what you’re doing about the criminal rats in your back yards in Soufriere; tell me since when has Soufriere witnessed such racism, hate and the depth of such criminality? tell us of governments plan to eradicate these elements right now before it gets worse. Let there be no silence in that Church on ‘ La Rue Zaboca ‘ the Church where I’ve Prayed at so many times; let them raise their voices and sing Praises.


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