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Businessman In Guyana Shot Dead During Robbery


Guyana police are investigating the fatal shooting of a City businessman identified as 41-year-old Shimron Adams during a robbery.

According to reports, Adams operated a wholesale and retail business at the bottom flat of the three-story concrete building.

As Adams closed his business place near midnight on Monday, two suspects wearing surgical masks accosted the businessman and his girlfriend.

One of the intruders had a handgun.

The bandits ordered the couple to lie on the ground and relieved Adams of a gold band and finger ring.

“The unarmed suspect then took off the businessman’s gold band and finger ring and ordered him to get up, which he did. The suspect then held onto the businessman’s shoulder bag and pulled at it, but Adams continued to hold onto the bag to prevent the suspect from taking it,” a police statement said.

The statement disclosed that the suspect discharged a round at the Georgetown businessman, hitting him in the abdomen.

Adams later succumbed.

The shooter removed the shoulder bag, picked up the businessman’s phone and the cell phone from his 29-year-old female companion, and  the bandits escaped.


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  1. Base on the report that was a well planned attack. Sadly he cling onto his money not aware his life was more important and at stake. The money could have been replaced, his life can’t… His gf will replace him soon after she overcomes the nightmare if at all. We businessmen, some get so vaccume into the devil’s playfield of money and wealth, totally disregard the important of life. Businesses needs to go paperless to reduce crime and in most cases deadly like this. If a bandit try to Robb my business here in Lucia if I am around I will knock him down by all means if he/she break in my place and stole stuff and escape then leave Lucia willingly because I’ll hunt you down like a cockroach.


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