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Car Battery Thief Caught In The Act – Stolen Item Returned


The owner of a car from which a brazen thief took a battery on Friday after prying open the bonnet found the item on Saturday morning.

According to reports, someone believed to be the thief dropped the stolen battery off outside the car owner’s residence in Castries.

The battery was in a bag.

The theft of the item went viral after a video of the thief extracting it from the car’s engine compartment appeared on social media.

The 30-second video on social media shows the young man, his trousers hanging way past his waist, working feverishly to get the battery out.

He glances around furtively as he takes it out, closes the vehicle hood, grabs a nearby bag, and appears to put the stolen item inside the bag before making off.

The incident occurred in the car park in Castries above the government ministries, leaving the car owner stranded until he could get a new battery installed after discovering the theft at about 4:45 pm.

The fact that someone returned the stolen item to the owner’s home has led family members to believe that the thief had been monitoring the vehicle, looking for an opportunity to pounce without fear of being caught in the act.

But he was unaware that someone secretly recorded his criminal act and posted the video on social media when he eventually seized the opportunity.

Headline photo: Screen grab from video


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  1. I saw the video. The police need to get his fingerprints without delay. Based on his level of comfort during the act, I think he might be involved in other car/car parts theft. He is definitely not a novice. He knows where the victim lives should be a cause for concern for the residents. They need to bone up their security.

  2. We did not learn from our old folks. He should remain on the site with the battery on his head until the car owner returns. Cant move.

    I would make them steal until they steal their own sole. Let them come am waiting.

  3. Car owner, I would like to know who your great great grandmother was, just to see if we are related. I am trying to see something!

  4. If I was his parents I would Beat him from home to the owner’s of the Battery home .And everything would be Rocerded and posted on facebook

  5. I hope he pulled up his jeans after dropping off the stolen battery. Dayban voleur! Such guys need to be taught a very expensive lesson.

  6. Carbay you not making sense. you would make him steal which means that you want others to experience the same demise .you no different from thief you just as wicked.


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