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Man Shot Dead In Laborie – Two Other Males Injured


A twenty-two-year-old man was shot dead in the early hours of Saturday morning during an incident at a club in Laborie.

The deceased has been identified as Eric Thomas of Eucalyptus Avenue, Laborie.

It is alleged that the deceased was inside the club with a firearm and assaulted an officer who attempted to disarm him.

Other officers present eventually intervened, and there was an exchange of gunfire.

Thomas was later pronounced dead and it is reported that a 9 mm pistol was in his possession.

Two other men believed to have accompanied him sustained injuries.

The Vieux Fort fire station said it responded after receiving a distress call at about 1:16 am.

This story is a developing one, and there are no further details at present.

Headline photo: Eric Thomas – Deceased

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  1. All those illegal gunners should be exodused to fight the war in Middle East, North West Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.

  2. Happy ending stories are best on rainy days, when there is nowhere to go. SLT, can you churn the local scene for like positive stories?

  3. Its really disturbing to read such news, the randomness and closeness of these illegal guns make you wonder, how close are you to a next shoot out. Look at the youth of the future simply lose their lives to what? Parents, what are we doing to the future of the country, leaders what are we going to do to address such and urgent matter. I never imagined I’d live to see St Lucia the land of my birth in such a state where guns are like a part of our daily stories and young people die as if its some sort of game or cowboys and crooks.

  4. They refuse to go and work for 2 to 3 EC dollars an hour but smoking cocaine, marijuana and drinking rum and stealing food in the farmers garden fast money alone they want

  5. I will always say the magistrates are the cause of these people to have firearms. When they are arrested the magistrates will give them a slap on the hands and allow them to go. Shame on all you magistrates

  6. @bolo, the magistrate can only go by what is law, its the politicians that have to sit and change these laws when they have their house meetings and implement them, until then its only a slap on the wrists these guys will get. the magistrates dont make the laws


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