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WATCH: City Police Officers Lend A Helping Hand At St Lucy’s Home


City Police officers temporarily left off pounding the beat on Sunday to lend a helping hand  in a cleanup exercise at St Lucy’s Home at Bishop’s Gap, Castries.

Four officers, led by Deputy Chief Yone Camchon, undertook the exercise, including clearing the institution’s compound of bush and doing some restoration work on the building.

The officers said they recognised that the compound was not in good condition and volunteered to clear it as part of their social responsibility, using tools from the Works Department of the Castries Constituency Council (CCC).

They started the work at about 9:00 am and finished around 1:00 pm.

The City Police plan to return to the home with hampers for its residents.

Catholic Priest Patrick Anthony established St Lucy’s home on December 13, 1983 with the aim of  providing a residence for the less fortunate at no cost to them.




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  1. Bravo, bravo, bravo to the City Police. CCC should now follow up with jet washing those steps.

    We need to do a better job at looking after our Seniors.

    Well done.

  2. Great story: Re: Article.. Keep up in your Job and help your fellow men and women to keep our island CLEAN, Yes We Can…. the next step should be the core of Castries and the rest of the Island… LET US keep ST Lucia Clean, Always.. We are in the right direction by keeping IT CLEAN…
    Good Job Folks! Keep reporting our news and clean it up….I endorse my thoughts.

  3. Good job to those police officers who are spending their free time beautifying St.Lucia. It doesn’t take money to clean up your surroundings. Hope that more St. Lucian would do that around their homes. It’s a tropical Island, plant some tropical flower plants, for crying out loud.


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